Chapter 12:baseball

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A sport many people enjoyed and played. Hitting the ball with a bat and running to the bases, all trying to get to home base. Adam hated the sport. He tried it out before when he was younger and absolutely hated the game. He could never hit the ball. Could barely catch it and refused to slide in the dirt to steal bases. He sucked at the game and so he hated it with a passion.

So when Alice asked him to come watch he wanted to refused. She asked again he again refused. Only when she pouted did he finally agree to watch.

"Your love it" Alice was skipping by his side talking about the last game they played. He was not looking forward to the game.

Since he won't playing he dressed warmly wearing black jeans ,white tee and a nice black sweater. He won't playing meaning he didn't have to run or do anything other then sit down and look pretty. Sadly Bella was also going. Alice had informed him that she knew the little secret of the Cullens which was why she glared at him every time she saw him. She was mad he didn't tell her yet he could care less.

Walking outside he was met with both Edward and Alice both standing outside a car waiting for him. Bella had stormed out after him and pushed him out of his way to make it to Edward first. Almost immediately did Alice glare at her and Edward looked at her annoyed. No one liked how she started treating Adam over knowing their secret before her.

Everyone spent time with him and it was obvious that they cared about the human. Edward was the only one conflicted about it. He cared for them both but the more Bella acted out against Adam the more he thought about leaving her behind. Adam had become his little brother the second he met the boy and was quiet protective over him. Hell even his parents saw him as there child and esme hasn't even met him yet and Carlisle only bet him briefly at the hospital. At the end bella was digging her own hole and would most likely end up laying in it

Adam watched how Bella fawned over edward and it was externally weird. "She's acting like a love sick puppy waiting for her owner to throw her a bone" he mumbled knowing Alice could hear him. Said vampire giggled and nodded along

"I agree with you there, I wish she treated you better though." Alice looked at him worriedly grabbing his hand and tugging them both into the car. Neither said another word and just watched Edward and Bella talk in the front. Edward seemed bored but Bella on the other hand seemed excited about watching the family play baseball.

It didn't take them long to arrive at the drop off point. They had to run the rest of the way which Adam honestly wanted to refuse. He knew she could hold him considering her vampire strength but it was still a bit embarrassing for him. Sucking it up he hopped on Alice back and they were off. He would be lying if he said it was not fun running though the woods at such speeds yet also terrifying.

Making it to the field the Cullens all offered him a smile which in contrast to what Bella was given when she arrived was completely different and more forced.

Bella of course noticed and glared at her brother. She wanted to be accepted so bad by the family of vampires and was trying her hardest yet it came to brother so easily. She had to change this and change this she will try.

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