Chapter 6: bonding

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Dinner was awkward to say the least. Adam barely spoke a word to Bella and vice versa. It was obvious something had happened between the two but neither one of the brought up the issue.

Adam mood was sour and continued to be that way even as a man talked about being Santa. He didn't care about what was being said. He was just ready to head home and lock himself inside of his room.

"So uh how was the first day of school?" Dad was still awkward around the pair and that was something Adam wanted to change

"I had a good day at school, made some friends too" Adam was quick to reply even giving him a smile to help ease him. It seemed to work as the man returned the smile despite the tension between him and Bella

"It was ok" Bella awkwardly answered the question while picking at her food.

"Great to hear, I'm glad you guys had a good first day. Let's get out of here since I'm sure you guys have homework "

Adam agreed even if he was already done with his. He just wanted to go home and sleep maybe even call Alice again that is if she was even awake.

Adam decided to ride with his dad leaving Bella to drive alone. He still didn't forgive her for talking down on his friend especially she didn't even know Alice to began with.

Once he got home he took a shower and on the way to his room he bumped into his dad"sorry didn't see you there "

"It's fine I was just about to go watch the game, do you want to join" Adam was surprised he asked. He could tell he was just as awkward as Bella so he knew he just wanted to try bonding and he was fine with that

"Sure I'll grab some snacks " with that he rushed downstairs to the kitchen. He was excited to be spending time with his dad considering how little he knew about the man. Grabbing the snack and a few drinks he dumped them on the table just as his dad turned the game on.

Honestly he didn't know much about the game nor did he care for it but he will endure just to get to known his dad" here's your beer" he opened it and passed it to his dad. He assumed he drunk it when watching the game and was correct when he took it no questions asked.

Adam settled down grabbing a soda and some chips smiling at his dad who instantly got into the game. They watched the whole game laughing and telling jokes. At some point his dad figured out he knew nothing about the game and decided to tease him about it

"What did you do in your free time if you didn't do sports"

"Oh you know party,do frugs and drink till I passed out the normal teenager stuff" Adam watched his dad instantly frown and look at him surprised

"I'm kidding I don't do drugs, you should've saw your face" he laughed pointing as dad who instantly relaxed

"So not funny kid"

"It was for me, imma head to bed I'll see you tomorrow " Adam got up taking the trash with him. Throwing it away he went up to his room and laid down. Despite his sister last accusations today was a good day. He could only hope tomorrow will be even better

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