Chapter 8:day turned disaster

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A week went pass and Adam only got closer with Alice. They joked, hung out and did pretty much everything together. Her family even bonded with him which surprised him considering Rosalie kept her distance at first but soon she was joking and laughing just like the rest of Alice family

He like them all even if he didn't know or see Edward since he was gone all week. They were very welcoming and he was thinking about asking Alice out. She honestly made life at forks way more bearable.

Adam even boded with Charlie a lot. Both playing catch when the sun was out. He honestly enjoyed his time here more than back with his mom but he couldn't say the same about Bella. He loved her but all she did nowadays were ask about Edward and his family and it was annoying him to no end. He had no choice but to put up with it at home since she never approached him at school.

Today was different though and Adam could feel it. He just knew something bad was going to happen, something that could change things at forks. This morning everything was normal and he even caught a ride with Alice as usual.

They pulled up to school and he got out . He got use to the stares he got for being around the Cullen family. "If it isn't our favorite swan" Emment came up behind Adam shoving him slightly

"I'm the only swan you guys hangout with, of course I'll be the favorite " Adam smirked at Emmett before his eyes laid on Edward. He was surprised to see him here after so many day of him MIA.

"Sup Edward " he greeted him earning himself a nod in return.

"Enough talking with my brothers, let go to class" Alice basically floated to his side wearing her own smile

"I haven't even spoken to Jasper yet, I just know he misses me greatly "

"I saw you yesterday plus in the middle of class you got bored and put stickers on my face " Jasper accent was thick as always but held amusement as he walked pass the pair

"They were very cute stickers" Adam put his hand to his chest and watched Jasper walk off offened "I deserve a thank you-"

"Yeah babe your not getting that anytime soon" Alice giggled pulling Adam into the school.she didn't notice how Adam eyes widen in surprise or how he tensed up. His mind was running a mild per minute trying to figure out if she even realized what she called him and what it meant for the pair.

"Earth to adam " Alice appeared snapping her fingers in front of Adams face. He was so deep on thought he didn't even notice them in P.E class

"Yeah right class" he mumbled rushing off to the locker room to change. It didn't take him long before he was by Alice side again. Looking at her he couldn't help smile."Alice-" he froze the second her eyes met his

"Umm would you maybe want to uh go on a date with me?" It was a big question and he knew if she rejected him nothing would be the same again.

"I would love to" Alice beamed up at him and he couldn't help but smile back.

The rest of the day the pair talked non stop. It was mainly Alice talking and planning but Adam loved every second of it. By the time it was time to leave the entire school basically knew Adam asked out Alice Cullen. It was all anyone could talk about

The pair made there way to the parking lot only to receive congratulations from the rest of the family. Adam truly felt welcomed with them .

Just as Adam as as about to get in the car there was a screech and screaming. Glancing towards the sound he couldn't help but freeze up in fear. One second he was watching his sister about the be crushed by a van and the next he saw Edward stopping it with his hand

"That idiot " Rosalie snarled before her eyes met his.

"Shit Adam we can explain that" Emment motioned towards the van and Edward but Adam was in panic mode. He didn't understand what just happened or what they are? He knew they couldn't be human.

"His scared" A southern accent he knew belonged to jasper came from behind him and before he knew it Alice was in front of hip cupping his face and forcing him to look at her

"Deep breaths, everything's going to be alright ok. I'll explain everything to you tonight but you got to calm down" it was like a flip went off in his head and he instantly relaxed in her hold

"Take me to the hospital " he mumbled glancing towards Bella who was now being lifted into an ambulance.

Alice moved and opened the door to her car and he got in without a word. Alice followed suit and drove them to the hospital with her siblings close behind. No one knew what to do at this point but tell him the truth and Adam busied his head with thought of Bella being hurt. He didn't want to confront the possibility that the girl he possibly loved could be anything but human

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