Chapter 9: truth

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Spending the day in the hospital was not how Adam imagined spending his day. Bella was fine and other then her friend apologizing every three minutes he didn't know what to say or do about Alice but he knew he needed answers if there was anyway to keep dating her

Getting up he left the room just as his father rushed inside. Adam instantly spotted Rosalie and Alice and walked over."I need to talk the Carlisle you got lover boy" Rosalie gave him a sad look which he looked away at.

Alice led Adam into an office which he assumed was as her father's office and sat down. He watched her sit as well before she finally faced him"I know your confused Adam and you have every right to be. I wanted to tell you but I wanted to wait for the best time but I guess now will have to do"

Adam hated the look of fear that Alice held when staring at him. "Alice whatever it is I'm sure it can't be too bad" he wanted to the look she held to go away even if just for a moment but it seemed lto deepen by his words

"Adam I'm not exactly human. I'm cold to the touch, have heightened sense and I sparkle in the sun" Alaric's stood up and stood in front of the window showing her sparkling skin

"So what exactly are you" Adam question staring at her in awe

"I'm a vampire that drinks animal blood"

The room instantly went quiet with her confession. Adam mind was racing but he strangely didn't fear her and believed her easily. "For some reason I trust you"

"Good cause I'll never hurt you Adam, your everything to me, my soulmate" Alice sat down beside Adam and took his hand into here."can we maybe start over"

Adam couldn't help but smile"I'll like that but only if you let me take you on a date tomorrow "

"I'll love that" Alice smiled widely at Adam and he couldn't help but smile back.

That was until Rosalie busted into the room followed by who Adam guessed was their father" your sister is asking to many questions and Edwards gave stupid replies"

"Rose there's not much that can be done right now, we just gotta hope he knows what his doing" Adam glanced at who he guessed was their dad. He looked just like them with his pale skin it was a wonder why people thought he adopted them all.

"Why can't she know like me" Adam was confused, why was it such a bad thing for Bella to know

"Your my mate Adam she's not really mated to any of us" Alice smiled at him softly before taking his hand"there are laws against humans knowing but your a special case "

Nodding along Adam stood up"imma get home then, I'll see you at school tomorrow

"Don't tell your sister about us" Rosalie added on just before he walked out. Nodding he left and met up with Bella and his dad. They drove home with dad fawning over Bella who sat in silence. She kept glancing at Adam and he knew she was going to ask him about the cullens the first chance she got and he was not looking forward to her nagging

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