Chapter 2:home sweet home

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Once the plane landed Adam grabbed all the bags and followed Bella out to find their dad. Honestly they haven't seen him in years. Adam barely knew anything about the man other then the fact he was a police officer who lived alone. When bella stop coming so did he. 

"His here" Bella sounded nervous and walked slowly towards their father as if he may attack at any moment.

It was amusing for Adam to watch. He always wondered how she became so quiet and clumsy while he was always loud and playful. They were complete opposite's and many people would forget they were siblings.

Rolling his eyes he followed behind watching how the pair awkwardly greeted one another. "So your both nervous wrecks that make everything awkward noted" This earned him a glare from Bella and an awkward laugh from his dad.

"Nice to see you again Adam" dad gave a small smile and stuck his hand out for a handshake

"Why so formal, I'm your kid not a stranger you just met" he joked pushing the man's hand away and giving him a hug "your stuck with us old man get use to it " he joked ignoring the shocked face he received. He took the bags and walked out to the police cruiser.

He wanted to get to know his dad, he truly did. He was the one to stop coming but that never stopped the man from reaching out. He felt bad for not visiting. He didn't even have a good reason on why he didn't visit, he simply stopped when Bella stopped.

"Shotgun " Bella rushed pass him and got in the front seat.

"Your just gonna make the ride awkward" he complained throwing the bags into the trunk.

"I'm not"

"Twenty bucks say you do, as soon as he gets into the car your gonna go quiet" just as he said that dad got into the car. Almost instantly did Bella go quiet and look out the window.

Smirking Adam put his headphones in and sat back. He didn't like the quiet and he was sure if he spoke to either one of them it would make things even more awkward.

It didn't take them long to get to the house. Getting out he glanced around annoyed. Last time he remembered being here there was only one bathroom and he slept in the attic.  He did not want to share a bathroom with two other people. The attic was fine, it was away from everyone and he enjoyed the quiet.

Grabbing is own bags he ran up to his room and threw them in the corner. The room looked like it's been cleaned recently which he was thankful for.

At that moment he could hear a car pulling up. Glancing out his window he could see a man in a wheelchair and another man standing behind him. Dad walked out with Bella and he couldn't help but laugh at how awkward his sister was being. That whole scene was something he wanted to avoid.without a second thought he grabbed his earphone's and started blasting music into his ears before laying down. If he pretended to sleep he knew no one would bother him. At least for now, he just hoped his awkward family didn't burn the house down while he avoided the world

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