Chapter 3: firat day of school

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Today was going to be hell and Adam knew it. He woke up late so Bella was at his door banging on it. He had to take a quick shower only to fall on his way out and finally he had no coffee or food meaning he was grumpy and hungry.

To top it all off Bella drove him to school in a loud ugly truck while it rained. Truthfully He thought it was going to break down on the side of the road. Yet they made it in one piece.

"Everyone's staring " Bella was already nervous and glancing around making Adam roll his eyes. It was too early for life.

"So who cares, let's go" he got out the truck followed by his sister.

"Nice truck"

Adam instantly glared towards a male who laughed with his friends


"Don't thank a looser little sister " Adam continued to glare at the male who glared back but he could see the fear he held. Adam knew right there he was trying to act tough in front of his friends."anything else to say pretty boy" he smirked taking a step towards him

"Adam stop it's our first day please, let's go inside" rolling his eyes he followed his sister inside who seemed more embarrassed then anything "do you always have to start drama"

Adam laughed at that "I don't start anything, I finish it and if he thought he was going to make fun of you because of your ugly truck his wrong." Smiling he wrapped arm around her"that's my job"

With that they both got their schedules from the office before walking back into the hallway."so my first class is P.E, I'm convinced life hates me now. Who would take P.E so early anyways" he was done with today and it barely started.

"Yeah have fun with that" Bella had a smile watching Adam's distress.

"Oh you love my pain don't you" he grumbled before walking off. It was pretty easy to find the gym . He just had to follow the other sad souls who unfortunately had gym this early

Walking in he was met with nothing but misery. Everyone looked dead on their feet except one person. She was beautiful that much he knew. She was the only one who seemed to have any energy yet she sat alone. That's when she looked up and they made eye contact.

Adam smiled at her and was happy to receive one back. She even stood up and walked his way and he watched her feeling so much more alive somehow. "Hey there, your new right" she chirped

"Yeah I'm Adam" he was squill to introduce himself earning himself another smile

"It's nice to meet you Adam " her voice was smooth and angelic catching him by surprise even more so when she grabbed her hand and pulled him towards the bleachers.  He was confused on why she was so cold yet it didn't seem to bother her in the slightest

Glancing around he noticed everyone watching him in surprise yet he didn't know why. He wanted to just flip them off but before he could he was pushed onto the bleachers by said girl who was quick to sit beside him."don't mind them they are just nosy anyways I'm Alice Cullen pleasure to meet you "

Let me know what you think. What should happen next?

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