Chapter 7:Better day

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Adam slept peacefully the night before even woke up in time to go to school. He didn't say a word to Isabella since yesterday and he was ok with that. He didn't believe he was in the wrong and when they showed up at school he was instantly lead away by Alice who seemed to be waiting on him

"Hey Adam you ready for class?" She was happy as always wearing a bright smile and skipping down the hall without a care in the world

"Not really but I'll manage, who the new girl with your family" he briefly saw a girl with them. She looked just like a Cullen and was talking with Jasper.

"Oh that Lisa she's visiting for awhile so she enrolled in school. She's best friends with Jasper but I think they like each other. That would be so cute"

Adam couldn't help but smile as Alice continued to talk about Lisa . She wanted to play match maker and it was adorable in his eyes how excited she was becoming

In no time the pair made it to gym only to have a free day since the teacher was sick. He spent his time with Alice who continued talk about anything and everything"so anything interesting happen for you since moving here"

"Not really, fontina fight with my sister but that was about it" he mumbled laying down across the bleachers. He laid his head on Alice lap who instantly started to run her fingers through them.

"Oh what about?"

"She made a friend who said something's about you and she decided I shouldn't hang out with you anymore based off of them" he glanced up at Alice who seems saddened about it

"What do you think"

"I think your amazing and I can hang out with whoever I want speaking of I know we just met but can I take you out this weekend, maybe to the movies or something " Adam felt like he was rushing but he honestly like Alice a lot. He never felt this way before and he wanted to try his luck. He just hoped he didn't ruin whatever friendship they had

His worries instantly vanished as Alice sent him a beaming smile"i would love to go out with you this weekend. We can talk out the details later since class is ending."

Honestly he didn't even notice class had ended and got up. Alice instantly took his hand and the pair walked out to their next class. The entire day they passed notes not at all paying attention to the teacher. He would normally never do something like that cause he thought it was stupid and cheesy but Alice liked too so he went along with it.

Soon it was lunch so they grabbed some food and sat down. He greeted everyone and introduced himself to Lisa before realizing Edward was missing.

"Where's Edward?" He question. He watched everyone's face fall at that question

"He went to visit outlet cousins for the week." Alice smiled at him but he could see how rose glared across the cafeteria at his sister who was steeling glancing at the table

"Is it because of my sister, I can talk to her if you want" Adam hoped it won't because of her

"Not it's fine, it's nothing " rose offered a small smile which he returned

Lunch went smoothly after that along with his classes. He walked Alice to her car before meeting his sister at her. They both got in without a word

"Look I'm sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have assumed based off of what Jessica said" Bella actually looked guilty for what she said making Adam forgive her on the spot. She was her sister and he will always be there no matter how mad she can make him

"It's fine, let get home and make dinner cause I'm not eating out everyday " he mused smiling as Bella pulled out of the parking lot

"So do you know where Edward it" Adam instantly looked at her curiously

"He went to his cousin why?" Adam prayed in his mind Bella didn't do anything to the boy. He was finally happy for once and not off the rails fighting or just getting in trouble

"I was just wondering"

The truck went quiet after that. He was suspicious of course but dropped it knowing she wouldn't tell him anything. She was secretive like that and he respected her privacy.

Pulling up to the house he instantly started on dinner, making meatloaf, mac'n'cheese and mash potatoes while Bella set the table. Once dad got home they had dinner. He was obviously tired so not much was said while they ate"I'll clean up since you cooked" Bella offered once everyone was done

Adam hated cleaning so he instantly agreed and went up to his room to sleep. So far today was a way better day and he hoped it will stay this easygoing

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