Chapter 15: Family

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Adam was at the Cullens house for the next few days. Everyone was worried about him.

He barely ate

Barely slept

Only thing he wanted was Alice by his side and she refused to leave him as well so there was no problem.

Today was different though. The second he got out of the shower and dressed Alice walked in and pulled him downstairs "you can't keep on like this, your going to eat something and get out today"

He didn't feel up to it but the look in Alice eyes held no room for argument. Nodding he sat down in front of Esme who slid him a plate of pasta."eat up Adam"

Now Adam felt bad. He could tell she was also worried and he didn't want that. He ate he food quickly before following Alice outside to her car. That's when he noticed the entire family here. He didn't ask any questions and just go in.

The drive was quiet as Adam stared at the passing trees only when they stopped in a small clearing did he glance towards Alice who was smiling at him"family camping" she cheered hopping out the car.

Adam smiled a little and got out. He has never been camping before but he did want to try it. "We are gonna set up the tent you kids go explore" Carlisle and esme stayed behind as the rest of the children wandered off. Adam followed behind Emment who led him to a lake.

Before Adam had any time to take in his surroundings he felt himself get pushed and fell in. Shocked and wet Adam looked up at the culprit and surprised

"Jasper!" He exclaimed breaking out into a big smile. "I expected anyone but you" he mused jumping out of the lake. Jasper kept his distance mainly so for him to be the one messing with him was surprising in the lease. For once Adam could see him relaxed and not tense as he always is at school or around Bella. This was a welcomed change.

"Emment!" And almost instantly did the burly man jump onto his brothers back. As they began to wrestle he noticed Edward a bit away. The girls were nowhere to be seen so he walked over the him

"Penny for your thoughts?" Adam stood beside him noticing him tense at his voice

"This trips about you, let's not talk about my issue" Edward wrapped his arms around who he considered a little brother

"Yet I'm here asking you , not all of us can read minds " joking he shook his hair out getting water all over Edward "plus I already know your thinking about my sister, you nasty" making a face Adam took off ignoring Edward who was laughing and chasing him. He knew he could catch him easily but he gave chase anyways.

Soon the girls joined them both ganging up on the boys minus Adam who stood behind Alice wearing a big smile on his face. This was his family and no one could tell him any different

Vote and comment, should we continue the camping trip or skip on home in time for Bella's birthday?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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