The Road To Italy

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Y/N and Yelena were passing through Switzerland thanks to Y/N wanting to avoid the obvious route in the event of Kingsman knowing his eventual destination, and he really wanted to do one special thing in the Jag.

"Where about in Switzerland are we?" Yelena asked as Y/N smiled.

"Near possibly one of the greatest driving roads in a film. St Bernard Pass." Y/N said as he excitedly put the stereo on.

(Basically this but in the Jaguar seen in the previous chapter.)

They cruised along the Road as Yelena smiled to herself.

"Wow, you're old."

"No, just cultured, there's a difference." Y/N said as she shook her head. Y/N began singing with the music and Yelena was knocked back by his ability to sing and also his driving ability. "Have you ever seen the original Italian job?"

"No, funny enough it wasn't on the Red Room's priority list." Yelena quipped as Y/N shook his head.

"Wow, they really have no redeeming features do they?" Y/N said as Yelena laughed, understanding that he was only joking, she guessed his old friend preferred to joke about certain aspects of the Red Room. "Seriously, it is one of the best films for car enthusiasts and quotes. Plus it's ending was one of the best cliffhangers I've seen."

"Really, you like cars?"

"Yeah, part of the reason I'm in this job, always loved classic cars, Bond's Aston Martin DB5, Classic Mini's, Lamborghini's from years gone by. 1953 Chevrolet Corvette convertible, brilliant." Y/N said as Yelena smiled, seeing someone so enthusiastic and joyful even when deep down she could see the pain in his eyes, she knew he was putting on a front to some extent to try and keep morale high.

"So, what are you going to do after this if they don't take you back?" Yelena asked as Y/N thought on it for a moment.

"I don't know, I've tried not to think on it. Don't suppose people who live lives like us can afford to make plans that far into the future, you know how it is, too many variables, best we can plan for is the here and now, anything further is just a fantasy that usually gets you killed, that's a lesson I learned the hard way." Y/N said as Yelena saw his left index finger tap nervously on the steering wheel.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked, instantly regretting the decision to ask.

"Nothing, doesn't matter." Y/N said stoically as Yelena nodded in silent understanding. Y/N was quiet for some time on the drive. Y/N went back to focusing on and appreciating the road and the moment, thinking of her.

Y/N turned to glance at Yelena when someone else was sat there smiling at him.

He knew it was just a mirage and took his eyes back to the road, as much as he wished he was on this road with Natasha for their honeymoon like they planned, that was no longer possible

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He knew it was just a mirage and took his eyes back to the road, as much as he wished he was on this road with Natasha for their honeymoon like they planned, that was no longer possible. Yelena noticed his glance and his reaction but she decided she shouldn't mention it, it looked like it was a personal issue he had and none of her business.

When they left Grand St Bernard Pass and eventually found a petrol station, Y/N asked that Yelena filled up the Jag while he paid for it and went to the toilet. When he was in the toilet Y/N swished his face with water from the taps and tried to keep his composure.

"Never let them see you bleed and live." Nat's voice echoed.

"Get a fucking grip, Y/N. The Mission's still not over yet." Y/N told himself as he heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"You good in there?" Yelena called out as Y/N quickly used a napkin to dry his face and left the bathroom, Yelena could see the faint signs that he had shed a tear or two while he walked to the car, his cheery demeanor having been replaced with the cold and calculating presence he displayed in the hotel after she pried too much.

"I'm alright, come on, we can make Italy by tomorrow. including the stops for fuel." Y/N said coldly as Yelena got in the car and they sped off, She fell asleep at around 10:30 pm, while Y/N kept driving, he was now alone with his thoughts, the worst situation he could think of but he couldn't wake Yelena up just because he had a few issues, they just met and he doubted she would be grateful. So he just had to put up with his mind fucking with him.

When Yelena woke up they were pulled over on the side of a road with Y/N stood outside of the car looking out over a large city with Renaissance era architecture.

"Is that Florence?" Yelena asked as she got out the car and saw Y/N sipping a cup of coffee.

"Yes. Florence, or Firenze in Italian. City of art, architecture and monuments." Y/N said as Yelena stood next to him looking out over the city.

"You don't have to come with me in this. You can go back to your people and smooth things out."

"I have to come with you, I made a promise to my friend that I'd protect you, so that's what I'm doing, at least until this is finished." Y/N said coldly.

"Are you sure, because it seems like you've got a lot to deal with already, for one I know you haven't slept." Yelena said as Y/N let out a sigh.

"I'll sleep in Rome." Y/N said as Yelena gave a nod.

"Fine, let me get changed first." Yelena said as she got some new clothes out of the boot of the car while Y/N turned his back. Yelena tapped Y/N on the shoulder, he turned around and she was wearing pair of tight black jeans, a pair of boots, a tank top and a military surplus vest. "I'll drive, you do me a favor and get some sleep, don't want you falling asleep at the wheel on your next shift."

"Fine, just don't go accidentally using any of the weapons." Y/N said as Yelena smirked.

"Oh I'm definitely testing the guns in the headlights." Yelena quipped as Y/N shook his head and got in the car, Yelena put the radio on but turned it so it wasn't loud enough to stop Y/n from sleeping. As she drove, she took a glance at Y/N to see he had taken his glasses off and was asleep. He looked almost at peace.

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