Opera's Not For Everyone

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Y/N walked in and began to read the room looking for everyone who was a potential suspect. He was at the bar ordering his and Yelena's drinks when Belova joined him, having calmed down.

"How did you know this was my favourite?" Yelena asked as Y/N thought for a moment.

"My friend used to like it so I'm guessing it's a favourite among widows." Y/N said as Yelena looked at him for a moment before deciding she wanted to know who this woman was. Before she could ask a familiar face arrived with a bloody Mary in her hand.

"Y/N, we just keep bumping into each other at bars don't we?" Valentina said as Y/N looked to Yelena before answering.

"Si, Contessa." Y/N said as calmly as he could.

"I see you're hanging around with Yelena, is that because she reminds you of N-"

"Don't." Y/N said firmly as Valentina looked him in the eye with a smirk. "Don't mention her name."

"Aww, look at you both. Grieving over one person though for two very different reasons." Valentina said as she edged closer to Y/N. "I wonder though, who is it that's going to break the barriers first, who's façade is going to crack, yours, Belova's or...mine." 

"Yours? Why are you secretly a scooby-doo villain, is that a mask?" Y/N said as Valentina smiled at him.

"Oh we both know what mask I wear." She said as Y/N grinned.

"Last mask I saw you in was at that Masquerade ball down by Sienna. That's left me still slightly out of pocket." Y/N quipped as Yelena saw it.

"Wait, you two dated?" She asked as Y/N remembered present company.

"It was a rebound thing, Y/N didn't want to lead me on so he left me at a restaurant. Though it's not like he has commitment issues, he was just scared by dating so 'soon' after his fiancé had died." Valentina said as Y/N glared at her.

"Yelena, would you mind giving me and The Contessa here some privacy, please?" Y/N said coldly, with something in his voice that gave even Yelena the shivers.

Yelena left to get into position while Y/N looked Valentina dead in the eyes.

"It sounded like there was some threat in that sentence." Valentina said almost flirtatiously as Y/N drank his whisky. "But we both know you're too much of a gentleman to hit a lady."

"I'm many things, but make no mistake, I'm no monk, and you're no lady. We both know that." Y/N said as he slammed the whisky glass on the bar counter and walked away. Sat down in his seat and nodded to Yelena who was in position.

It was around five minutes into the opera when the targets began to talk. Yelena was taking photos of them all while Y/N was recording them all.

"The boy and Belova, they're a threat, especially if the boy finds out the truth." One of the targets said as Y/N began to listen closer.

"Please, ever since his fiancé's death the boy has been damaged goods, he's been a wreck. He'll be easy to eliminate, as for Belova, we can use our contact to get her off our tail, better yet, what if she knew the truth about the boy's fiancé, who they were, we could leak it to her somehow, she'd likely kill him, eliminate two threats with one move." Another Target said as Y/N continued to wait for them to mention a plan.

"So what about The General? Do we have any fresh orders." A target said as Y/N saw a newcomer join the fray.

"I will send one of my units to you, I want you to bring in Belova and the boy alive, I want to hurt them first. Especially Belova, if she gets hurt the boy will be even more broken, he cares for her, the same way he did for his Fiancé. As for Project: Tartarus, we are on schedule, make sure to keep it that way. Where are we on our Kingsman contact?"

"Belova killed him, she took the bait, but there are more." A man said as Y/N nodded to Yelena giving her the signal to leave.

"Do you know what I think? I think you lot should really find somewhere better to hold your secret Red Room meetings, don't you?" Y/N said as he left the colosseum, but as he walked out to the car park he was attacked by an enemy agent with a knife while Yelena was still making her way to meet him.

Y/N managed to stop the knife and twist his attackers hand forcing them to drop the knife with one hand while they grabbed it with the other and began trying to stab Y/N but the boy managed to wrestle the knife from his attackers hand and stabbed them in the knee before using the knife to stab his enemies ribs, he followed it up by jamming the knife into the attackers throat and ripping it out. By the time Yelena arrived she saw Y/N dumping a body in a dumpster.

"Let's go." Y/N said as Yelena saw the blood on his hands, as Y/N got into the car Yelena got in with something visibly on her mind, the drive back to the hotel was silent as Y/N sent the photos to the cars computer and ran a face recognition on all of the photos. Yelena just watched waiting for him to crack and ask what was on her mind.

When they reached the hotel Y/N walked up to the room and began going through all the information coming in on his glasses when Yelena walked in and saw him trying to do anything to take his mind of what was about to happen, he knew it was going to happen one day.

"What were they talking about in the opera? What did they mean when they said I'd kill you over the truth about your fiancé?" Y/N said as he shook his head.

"No. Drop it." Y/N said trying to forget everything.

"Tell me, I need to know if what I'm thinking is true." Yelena asked as Y/N sighed to himself.

"Why? Why does it matter to you?" Y/N asked in a broken voice as Yelena looked at him.

"What was the truth-"

"My fiancé was Natasha Romanoff, better known as The Black Widow, Natalia Alinovna Romanova. I was engaged to her when she died. I was on another mission to help bring everyone back."

"You- you were her boyfriend that she mentioned. You knew her, you knew my sister?" Yelena said as Y/N looked at her with shock.

"Natasha's sister was called Elena she lives in Ohio." Y/N said calmly as Yelena looked at him.

"Elena, her favorite thing is hot sauce and she loves the song American Pie. They were sisters through adoption sort of, there adopted parents were Alexei Shostakov and Melina Vostikoff." Yelena said as Y/N turned to look at her.

"How old are you?"

"35, Natasha would be 41. She's six years older than me. She killed Dreykov's daughter."

"You-You're Natasha's sister." Y/N said as Yelena done her whistle that she used to do with Natasha. Y/N looked up at her and done the counter whistle.

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