When In Rome

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Y/N and Yelena were in the hotel in Rome where they were staying, they got a room with two double beds, while Yelena was looking at the streets through the window trying to get a opinion on the tactical positioning of the room, she was judging sight lines and analyzing for the best places for an assassin to take them both out from.

Y/N was calm and collected as he read up on some files, or at least that's what Yelena thought he was doing when she glanced at him, what he really doing was looking at a picture of him and Natasha on their first real date, he was using the file to hide the photo, he didn't trust Yelena enough for her to know about his private life, and even if he trusted her he would say it had nothing to do with her and that she didn't know Natasha who he simply referred to as 'her' or something along those lines.

Yelena left an hour later to go get food while Y/N looked through their files to see if there was anything, this time reading the files for real, by the time Yelena returned Y/N was looking at a map for something.

"Find something?"

"Yes, there's a meeting happening at the opera at the Colosseum, I've managed to get us two tickets, one so you can get to a vantage point with a microphone and a sniper, and the other for me to get in close and eavesdrop on their conversation and tail them. Do you have a nice, dress, you need to fit in around here." Y/N said as Yelena raised her eyebrow. "Of course, well, I'll let you get dressed while I'm out getting my bearings for the town."

Y/N stood and left heading to a nearby café to get a drink. While he was there Y/N noticed three people wearing bespoke suits and glasses walk into the café and sit so they all had a line of sight on him. Y/N finished his drink and stood up, heading to the bathroom before closing the door and standing behind it as it opened, when all three agents walked in Y/N closed the door and locked it.

"Agent Gawain, we've been sent to kill you."

"Arthur, I assume." Y/N said as he sized them all up and made his plan of attack. "Okay, you followed me in here so you're obviously not going to take heed of the warning."

Y/N let out a sigh before he punched the nearest agent and the spinning elbowed another, he used his signet ring to electrocute the first agent that he punched before headbutting the one he had left untouched up to this point. One of them charged at him and tackled him into and through the cubicle walls, but Y/N put the toilet lid down with his feet as he was being choked against the wall before jamming his thumbs into his enemy's eye, following it up with smashing their head through the toilet lid and into the toilet bowl where he flushed the toilet and held the agents head under before pulling his head out and bouncing it off the actual toilet, knocking them out. But in the meantime the other two agents had recovered and both charged Y/N who avoided them and knocked one out by redirecting him into a radiator and then knocked the last agent out with a flying knee into their jaw. As Y/N walked out of the bathroom he locked the door and broke the door handle off before placing an out of order sign at the door.

Y/N headed back to the hotel to see Yelena sat there in her dress, he had to admit, it made her more beautiful than she already was. 

"You know it's rude to stare, right?" Yelena quipped as Y/N blinked for a moment

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"You know it's rude to stare, right?" Yelena quipped as Y/N blinked for a moment.

"Right, sorry, just um, wow, you look really great." Y/N said as calmly as he headed to the bathroom to change into his tuxedo.

" Y/N said as calmly as he headed to the bathroom to change into his tuxedo

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When Y/N stepped out of the bathroom Yelena looked at him.

'wow, he looks really fucking good in that.' Yelena thought as she looked at Y/N.

"You know it's rude to stare." Y/N quipped as Yelena smiled.

"Smartass." Yelena said as Y/N winked at her.

"Come on, we should get going." Y/N said calmly as they walked outside to the car, Y/N and Yelena got in and began driving to the Colosseum.

As they parked outside Y/N went to get out but Yelena stopped him.

"What happened to your hand?" Yelena said as she looked at the bruises in Y/N's hand.

"Nothing, it's fine, I'll clean it up in the bathroom." Y/N said coldly. Yelena glared at him as she grabbed a first aid kit from the glovebox, she got some medical wipes from the kit and used them to clean the cuts on Y/N's knuckle. Her touch reminded him of Nat's, gentle, caring but also professional, Y/N snatched his hand away and got out the car before beginning to walk away.

Yelena got out the car and shut the door, Y/N heard it shut and used his keys to lock it while Yelena walked after him trying to catch up.

"Y/N you need help-"

"Stop it okay, stop it, just stop it. Stop acting like you care about me." Y/N snapped as Yelena looked at him.

"Why should I, we need to look out for each other if we want to get through this." Yelena said as Y/N shook his head.

"Stop looking out for me, everyone who does winds up dead, so just stop it." Y/N said as Yelena looked him in the eyes.

"Is that what happened to her? Why don't you say their name?" Yelena said earning a glare from Y/N.

"Yelena, stop digging, it only brings up pain and misery." Y/N said coldly as he walked away into the party with Yelena taking a moment to cool down before joining him. It was going to be a long night.

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