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Yelena was in her woodland Camouflaged Black Widow suit, Ghost was next to her in his usual outfit. They moved slowly through the grass towards the Red Room Compound. 

"I have a positive visual on the compound. No visual on any guards though." Yelena said as Ghost nodded.

"Let's take it slow, they might be inside." Ghost warned.

"Agreed. You take point." Yelena said as they both stood up and moved in on the compound, they pushed the gate open slightly.

"Looks clear." Ghost said as they pushed into the compound, sneaking in with their weapons raised and looking for the data centre. "Keep an eye out."

They worked their way through the compound going room by room as they killed the guards silently. Yelena saw a sign for the data centre written in Russian. Ghost saw it too and nodded to her.

"On my mark." Ghost said as he used his hand to count down.

Yelena and Ghost managed to burst into the data centre. They killed three soldiers quietly as they moved through the door and cleared their corners.

"Clear!" Ghost called out as Yelena walked over to the computer and began downloading the data from the servers onto a USB stick.

"Give me five minutes, we'll have everything on them." Yelena said as she began going through the files. "We've got transaction records. Red Room targets, the lot."

"Wonderful news luv'. But right now we've got bigger issues." Ghost said as he peeked out from cover in the doorway and saw guards rushing through corridor.

"We need to keep them out, you hold the left, I'll cover the right." Yelena called out as she began fighting off waves of soldiers. "We can definitely say for certain that there are more than ten people here!"

"I think that much was fucking obvious." Ghost remarked as they began lighting up wave after wave of enemy soldiers.

Five minutes later and the download was complete, Yelena grabbed the USB and put it in her vest as Ghost planted the C4 charges. They began making their escape, with Yelena having to pick up an enemy soldiers gun.

"Come on!" Yelena called out as a bullet hit her in the shoulder and then the left leg, she fell to her knees as Ghost shot the gunman and helped her to her feet.

"You shoot, I'll help you walk." Ghost said as he began helping Yelena limp through the forest to the extraction point. "This is Ghost requesting immediate med-evac, how copy?"

"Copy that Ghost, we are on our way ETA three minutes." Ross said through coms as Ghost put Yelena against a tree and handed her a rifle as he turned and fired a 40mm grenade into a crowd of enemies before picking Yelena back up again.

They struggled through the forest as Yelena was trying her best to cover them while Ghost was helping her walk and fending off enemy soldiers.

"Come on luv'. Stay with me, I'm not letting Y/N lose you." Ghost said as he picked Yelena up and began carrying her bridal style. "Where are the Avengers?!"

"They're encountering resistance, Ghost, get your ass to the exfil point! Someone hurry up and get them the fuck outta there!" Ross called out over the coms. "Hold in there Yelena, we're coming to get you home and then you can retire with Y/N."

"Ghost, tell Y/N-"

"Tell him yourself blondie." Ghost said as he arrived in a field, he looked up and saw helicopters arriving, six hooey Helicopters and a Chinook. "Come on love, just a bit further."

Ghost saw the air stair lower on the chinook and Ross walk down it.

"Did you get the data?"

"We got it sir and destroyed the servers." Ghost said as he held Yelena up.

"Good...that's one less loose end." Ross said as he pulled out a 44. magnum revolver and shot Yelena in the stomach.

As Yelena fell back Ghost went to raise his gun.

"No!" Ghost yelled as Ross shot him as well.

"No!" Ghost yelled as Ross shot him as well

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DODC soldiers walked over after Ross took the USB stick, they picked up Yelena and Ghost and carried them over to a pit throwing Yelena in first.

As the soldiers threw ghost into the pit he used what strength he had to roll onto Yelena, knowing what was about to happen to them, he decided to protect her.

"Yelena, come in this is Y/N, we're under attack by Ross's men in Fortunes Keep! Soap, hold the left flank! Do not trust Ross, I say again, do not trust Ross! Price, get down!" Y/N screamed out over the coms with gunfire in the background.

Ross lit up a cigar and walked to the edge of the pit the two bodies were thrown into, watching as soldiers poured gasoline onto the bodies, Ross threw the cigar into the pit and set the fire alight.

Ross lit up a cigar and walked to the edge of the pit the two bodies were thrown into, watching as soldiers poured gasoline onto the bodies, Ross threw the cigar into the pit and set the fire alight

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Yelena spotted through her half closed eyes a name on Ross's uniform...


End of Book 3...

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