Spencer Reid

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He looked at her with passion in her eyes, he couldn't really explain it but he felt completed whenever she was around. To him, she was the light in his darkness of days. Whenever he saw her, the world would stop and become brighter, she gave him a reason to wake up every morning. The mere thought of her brightens his day but nothing compares to actually her being with him in person, it's magical. He loved every single thing about her, she is his one true epic love."I love you more than you could imagine" He said, lifting her chin up slowly, making her look him in the eyes, softly kissing her rosy lips then retracting sensually to leave her wanting more. That's what happened because that's exactly what she wanted - for him to kiss her again but more passionately and more hungry, she wanted him to devour her with his gentle lips.

"Spencer, trust me I know. Or do you not remember that letter you wrote me many years ago? Or has Mr smarty pants lost his memory?" She teased him, of course he remembered how he could not with an IQ of 187 and can read 20,000 words per minute with an eidetic memory. Him smiling down at her sarcastic ass. He even loved the little sarcastic comments she would make, he would always find them funny when everyone else would roll their eyes. He loved that she was the best FBI agent in the unit, unbeatable and the effort she puts into the cases she is assigned. He always thought she had the cutest concentration face as she solved clues. He enjoyed calling her 'my little agent' even though she hated it, rolling her eyes and huffing or puffing whenever Spencer said it.

"Oh I remember writing it, don't you worry my little agent" he teased her back, knowing full well it would get a reaction out of her but that's exactly what he wanted, with mischief in his eyes thinking of something else that would get a bigger reaction out of her. He gently started kissing her neck, knowing exactly what it's doing to her but he didn't stop, wanting a bigger reaction and that's exactly what he got.

"Spencer! Stop before we get caught. Spencer!" She says trying hard to not give in to him and give him what he wants. He stops, looking down at her with a smirk. She looks at him, annoyed but she did enjoy it.

"Wheels up in 30.. Wait, are we interrupting something?" Hotch says walking in with the rest of the squad.

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