Jamie Tartt (9)

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It was her first day back at RIchmond AFC, she was terrified. She couldn't do it, she paced outside Becca's office back and forth. She was panicking and she couldn't calm down. She left England last year to get brands to promote Richmond AFC in America, she got many brands to help and she was going to show them to Rebecca and the new promotions manager Keeley Jones, and she is beautiful to say the least. Y/n couldn't do this.

When she felt a panic attack coming on she went to see the one person who can help her, her big brother Roy Kent - the ex-footballer and new coach at Richmond AFC. She walked her way to the Coaches office only to see that he wasn't there, the panic grew more. There was one person, Ted Lasso - Richmond AFC Manager/Coach.

Y/n never really met Ted or spoken to him before, she didn't really want to. She had nothing against the guy, she would probably bet that he was the nicest man in the world, it's just that Y/n was never good with new people, she didn't do well with meeting new people. Y/n is very introverted and panics when speaking to people - new or old. That is probably what caused this panic attack.

"Everything alright there, you don't look so good," Ted Lasso said. Y/n panicked. He was talking to her.

"I'm looking for Roy, I really need him" She couldn't breathe. " PLEASE, CAN YOU GO GET HIM!" Ted nodded and went. Her breathing quickened, she closed her eyes. She then felt someone's hand on her arm.

"Hey Miss, are you okay? " a stranger said with an accent, she shook her head no. "Alright, let's take some slow deep breaths and maybe open your eyes." She opened her eyes.

"1..2..3...breathe in and out" She followed his instructions. In and out. " and again."

She did it 3 times, and started to feel better. She could breathe easily now, she smiled. "Thank you, I'm Y/n." as she got her vision back from blurry, the stranger is very handsome and he has amazing eyes but could have a better dress sense but very attractive overall.

"I am Jamie." He smiled, he had a gorgeous smile. She smiled back. Roy came running in, but stopped in his tracks. He looked at his baby sister sitting on the floor and Jamie Tartt next to her with his hand on her arm. "Tartt beat it." he nodded and got up, waved goodbye at Y/n, then walked out. "Bye Jamie, he's really nice."

He growled, she rolled her eyes. " Roy, I am okay now. He really helped me - Jamie. He's really sweet."

"NO. NO. He's a prick. You will not like him. Okay." She threw her hands up in the air in defence. She stood up and walked over to her big brother and gave him a hug. "I've missed you very much, Roy and I promise you that I'm perfectly fine, thanks to Jamie Tartt." she smiled again at the mention of his name.

"Alright I really need to see Miss Welton and Miss Jones, Bye Roy." She gave a kiss on the cheek and walked off.


Y/n sat in her office, she was happy to be back at AFC Richmond, it was like her second home. She really missed it here. Her thoughts were interrupted by the handsome footballer, Mr Jamie Tartt.

"Hello Y/n, umm.... Can you erm...help me with um...?" He's stalling. Why was he really here? He looks cute when he is stalling. She couldn't stop smiling at him, he's so cute when he's flustered.

"Jamie Tartt, stop. Why are you really here?" She tried to say without blushing at him, but failed.

He walked straight to her, and whispered in her ear "I like you, Y/n Kent and I'm not scared of grandad." and kissed her. She kissed him back, it was amazing. Who knew kissing Jamie Tartt could be so fantastic? They didn't stop until they couldn't breathe.

It soon turned into a full on make out session, her straddling him, his hands in her hair. She really didn't want it to stop ever. 

 It was magical until Roy walked past his sister's office with Keeley, he stopped in his tracks and yelled "TARTT, I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU".

They stopped kissing, she jumped off of him. "RUN JAMIE, HE CAN'T"

A/N - I don't know why I made it feel like a high school/ secondary school romance but I like it so I hope that you enjoyed it, because I enjoyed writing it, I wrote this in one day. That's crazy, so if its bad, I am sorry. My bad.

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