Chris Evans ( AKA. DADDDDDY)

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There he stood, towering over me. His big broad frame protected me against the horrid storm. His eyes were my escape from the truth that I have been hiding from him. As I moved closer into his chest while the thunder boomed louder, his strong muscular arms kept me steady and stable. How have I kept this from him? How was I going to tell him? I hated keeping this from, but I am scared. How will he react? What will he say? Would he just not react or say anything and just leave? I have to tell him tonight before he leaves to go film. He has to know, I shouldn't keep it from him any longer. How will I ever tell him that I am pregnant with his child?

I take a step and move away from him, looking deep into his beautiful blue eyes. Slowly taking in his handsome features before telling him and not seeing him for god knows how long. I'm terrified, the panic rising inside. I already know that he can sense the change as he takes his hand into mine, looking into my eyes with worry. Those steel blue eyes enchant me everytime. I can't look at him, I turn away from him. It's impossible for me to do this, but I have to.

"I have to tell you something. Chris..." I can't do this, I can't face him. He turns me around so that I am facing him. Oh no. I have to tell him. Why is this so hard? "Okay Chis, I'm going to tell you. This can either be good or bad news. But you deserve to know. Okay here goes nothing... No I can't do this, it's too scary.''

"Y/n, you are scaring me. What's wrong? Remember that you can tell me anything" He is so sweet, no wonder I have fallen in love so quickly. I am going to tell him now.

"Okay Chris, you know I love you more than anything."

" I love you more than anything in this world as well, Y/n, so please tell me what's been troubling you. I'm here for you." What did I do to deserve this man?

" Chris, I am - We are -. Okay, I am pregnant." He looks so ecstatic, like a 4 year old who got their first bike. I don't know what I was so worried about. From this moment I knew he was going to be the best dad ever and I wanted to be this man's wife.

"I AM GOING TO BE A DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" With that he picked me up and gave me the biggest kiss. "Y/n I will love you forever". Man, I am in love with him.

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