🚒Evan 'Buck' Buckley 🚒

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  ~ A/N  I'd like to thank @jnh254 for this idea. A wedding. My apologies if its terrible.  Can we just appreciate the size of Bucks/Oliver's arm in that photo? OHHHH MY LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy the video (all video credits go to the person who made it,  I have probably watched that video at least 10 times.) 

   "This dress is too tight." I say, pacing up and down the bridal suite, an hour before my wedding. I am marrying the love of my life in less than an hour, Evan Buckley. In an hour, I will no longer be a Nash, I will be a Buckley. My maid of honor, Athena, is hopelessly trying to calm me down as she watches pace this room like a maniac. "Just breathe, my love." She tells me. "Athena, This dress is too tight. It's suffocating me. Oh my god. Is it hot in here? I'm sweating." I finally stop pacing, and kneel down in a squat. "It's just nerves, pre-wedding jitters. I bet Evan is a nervous wreck." She squats down next to me, putting her arm around me. "Everything will be fine. Y/n. I promise."

My bridesmaids come in after having their hair and make-up down. Maddie, May, Karen and Jee-Yun. They all look beautiful, Jee-Yun looks absolutely gorgeous in her flower-girl dress. "Is everything okay?" They all ask in unison. Athena nods and smiles at them. "She's just nervous." Jee-Yun wriggles out of Maddies grip and runs over to me, gives a big hug and kisses my cheek. I lift my head up and look at her. "Thank you Jee, I love you." She smiles and giggles, babbling out noises. I stand up, I hold Jee's little hand in mine.

All the girls smile. "You look absolutely stunning, if he doesn't cry the moment he sees you the love isn't real." May teases, laughing. I smile at her. Jee-yun runs back over to her mumma, Maddie. Maddie and Chimney are great parents, I hope Buck and I are just half as good as they are. "The guests should be arriving soon." The planner says walking over to us. "Where is the father of the bride?"

I turn to Athena with wide eyes. "Where is Dad? Oh god. Where is he?" She walks over to me again. "Breathe." She simply says, taking out her phone and calling Dad. I quickly rush to the table in the bridal suite. I grab my phone and call Buck. He picks up immediately. "Evan. Hey."

"Y/n. Hey, is everything okay?" He sounds so worried. I laugh lightly, Athena was right. He is a nervous wreck. "Everything is fine. I just needed to hear your voice." I hear him sigh in relief, then laugh down the line. "You are going to see me soon, I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle. " He is always so charming. "Smooth, Mr Buckley." He laughs again. "Yes, I am. Mrs. Buckley." I smile, biting my lip. "I am not Mrs. Buckley just yet."

"In 10 minutes you are." I love this man so much, it feels almost insane that I will be his wife and he will be my husband in a matter of mere minutes. "Goodbye Mr Buckley."

"Goodbye Mrs Buckley." I put the phone down, place it back down on the table. I turn to my bridal party and smile, my dad has walked in. "My beautiful daughter." He walks over to me and gives a big hug, taking my arm in his. "Who's ready to get married?" Everyone cheers.

The bridesmaids and Jee-yun are first to walk down the aisle, Jee-yun throwing handfuls of petals onto the ground. She is doing a great job. Once they have reached their places, everyone stands and the music starts. My father, Bobby Nash, turns to me. "You ready kiddo?" I nod. "You know, they would be so proud of you. I know your mother, Brook and Bobby Jr are looking down on you right now, watching over to make sure that you have a perfect day." He smiles, my eyes start to water. "Oh dad."

"C'mon. No crying on your wedding day." He says, turning his head forward as we walk down. I see Buck first. He looks absolutely handsome in his suit. I focus on him and he focuses on me. I finally reach him, I turn to my dad and give a kiss on the cheek before taking Evan's arm. "You better cherish her." He jokingly warns Evan. "I do and I will continue to do so for as long as she will let me." My dad nods and sits down with everyone else.

Evan turns to me with tears in his eyes. "Absolutely divine." He looks at me up and down, taking in all the details of me and the dress. "How did I get so lucky?" blush at his comments. "I could say the same for you."

Hen is officiating our wedding. She looks fabulous in her suit."We are gathered here today to celebrate these two wonderful people coming together. I've had the honour of working with both Evan and Y/n. Now I have the privilege to marry them. " She smiles. " Now Evan Buckley, do you take Y/n Leigh Nash to be your lawfully wedded wife? To love and cherish in sickness and health to death do you part." Evan smiles. "I do."

"Good. Now Y/n Leigh Nash, Do you take Evan Buckley to be your lawfully wedded husband? To love and cherish in sickness and health to death do you part." I smile. "I do."

"By the power invested in me. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." " I quickly give my bouquet of flowers to Hen. Evan wraps his arms around me. We kiss passionately, I feel Evan dip me.  He slowly lifts me back up as we pull away. "I love you so much, Mrs. Buckley." 

"I love you more. Mr. Buckley." 

A/N ~ I hoped you enjoyed it, let me know if there are any improvements that I can add. Thank you again jnh245 for this wonderful idea, I hope I did it justice.

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