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A/N ~ In honour of season three, I wanted to do a oneshot for Bridgerton. I cannot believe that we have to wait until june until part two - absolutely criminal. Polin owns my heart. I love both Colin and Pen so much.  They are honestly adorable together. Team Colin all the wayyyyy.  I honestly don't know where this oneshot is going so stick around and see what happens. I honestly do not know if there is even a love interest at this point. Lets hope that it is even good

I stand in Madame Delacroix  boutique in the middle of the dressing room as she works around me, taking in any measurements for my new dress that my mother ordered for my debut into this year's season.  Other young ladies are enjoy the beautiful and wonderful views of Mayfair and yet here I stand fiddling with spare fabric and I am poked and prawned with pins . "Is this really necessary, Mother? I do not need anymore dresses. I have plenty at home. I do not believe that father will be -"  My mother interrupts me. " Do not worry, dear.  Please continue."  She says completely disregarding me.  Madame Delacroix continues to work on her task at hand. 

What felt like hours, she was finally finished. No more poking and prodding.  We leave the shop as more Mamas enter with their daughters. "Lady Bridgerton, Miss Bridgerton." My mama calls out as they approach the boutique. They smile as they arrive.  "Marquise Pengelly, Lady Pengelly. What a pleasure to see you. That's quite an order of dresses. " Violet smiles at me. "You must be very excited for your first season."  I clear my throat. " Y-yes, quit excited." My eyes linger to her second eldest, Benedict as he approaches. "Mr. Bridgerton. What a pleasure seeing you here." 

He smiles flatly. "Mother, Eloise.  Marquise Pengelly, Lady Pengelly." He greets all of us.  His mother subtly glares at him, giving a warning to mind his manners.  I know that Benedict Bridgerton is not looking for wife or even interested in the marriage mart. I've seen him in previous balls that mother has hosted fleeting every chance he gets from the over eager mothers. My mother was about to speak but I stopped her before she could even open her mouth. "Lady Bridgerton, you must have your hands full with two beautiful daughters on the marriage mart.  I know that my Mumma is which just myself on the marriage mart. I couldn't imagine how she would feel with both Molly and I." Violet laughs, Benedict snickers - doing an awful job at trying to hide it.  My mother trying to look as if she found it funny when truly she wasn't too impressed. "You must share your secrets with already two children happily married." My mother adds. 

It is weeks later and now I am at a dreadfully boring ball, hiding at the lemonade stand. I pick up a glass of what I presumed was lemonade. Oh how wrong was I.  "Oh god." I cough out, I hear a laugh from behind me. "That isn't lemonade, mi' lady.  That would be something else enterally. alcohol." I turn to face the voice to be Mr. Benedict Bridgerton.  "You should have it. Mr. Bridgerton, its not to my taste." I give him my drink.  He quickly takes it, taking a long sip. I watch as his neck and throat as he downs the drink. I shake my head, drawing myself out of those ridiculous thoughts. He places the glass down.  "I apologise for how I acted when we met in Mayfair and well now." I smile at him. "I believe that you wonderful mother has put you up to this. Only on the clear evidence of her staring at us. So if you want me to truly believe that this was not her idea then you will to do the complete unthinkable and dance with me. Mr. Bridgerton."  I smirk at him, waiting in for his response. 

He chuckles and smiles. "Lady Pengelly, will you do me the honour of a dance?" He holds out hid hand. "Yes I would. Mr. Bridgerton." I take his hand as he leads me to the dance floor. We both get into our positions.  The music starts. Our hands met as we dance away, our bodies beautifully colliding with each note. "Lady Pengelly, You're quite a good dancer." He says between moves. I roll my eyes at him. " Well I'm glad I've got your approval Mr. Bridgerton.  After all the lessons I have had over many years and glad to hear that I am a 'quite good dancer.'" I say as we move to the next dance position. He chuckles. "I apologise -" I laugh more. "Do you?" The music stops and the dance has ended. We both bow down at each as the song finishes, a sign of respect on both ends.  "Lady Pengelly, I never meant to - I just -" I smile at him.  "It is fine, Benedict." 

I walk away to join my mother and father who are chatting to Viscount Lord Bridgerton and Viscountess Lady Bridgerton. 

A/n - OH MY GOOOOOD. This took me days'. I kept getting distracted with work. I really hope you enjoyed it. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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