Bruce Wayne (Pt 2) (contains smut)

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We both stare at each other, him chuckling and me, well I'm not making a sound.

My feet are frozen to the ground, not moving. The only thing that seems to move are my eyes as they dart around, from him to the quickest exist. Bruce has finished laughing and no has moved up onto his feet. He is dressed in an all black suit from his shirt to his shoes - absolutely divine. He looks phenomenal. His hair slicked back, I can only imagine how perfect it would look all messed up. The sheer thought of Bruce in the morning with bed hair and not looking so effortlessly perfect sent shivers down my spine, a storm of butterflies erupting my stomach and tingles down my arms and legs.

"Miss Gordon." His tone is neutral yet dark and deep, almost the same tone he uses for Batman. This time it doesn't haunt its way around my mind, but it creeps down to my heart making it skip a beat. Two words from him and I'm breathless, speechless and most importantly motionless - I haven't moved a muscle and I don't plan to. This must be what insanity feels like. I'm frozen in place as my mind is going crazy with possibilities, all the if, buts and maybes of what I could or should be doing but instead I am a statue hopelessly staring at him.

"Mr Wayne." I finally croak out, it's hoarse and unsteady. He smirks, I feel my knees weaken and buckle at the sight of it, yet I haven't moved an inch. He knows what he does to me and now he's using it against me, the smart bastard. I also have an effect on him, not probably as visible as his is to me but just as strong. He stalks me, I have noticed him before. Both as himself and his vigilante alter ego. Its bizarre as before he was revealed to me as Batman we only had barely three conversations between us, yet here we are. Him gazing down at me like prey. And I, well, frozen in time staring up at him. Both not saying a word yet having a whole conversation.

He reads my every movement as if I am one of his unsolved cases, my very little movements. His gaze hardens. "You aren't an easy person to read, Detective. You puzzle me. That's why I can't help but let myself be drawn towards you. Intoxicating. I'm sure that you have already discovered that yourself. Smart girl, you are. Yet when around me you act well.." He smirks again, his tone deep and almost like he's mocking me. "Well.." He chuckles deeply, like it's from the deepest part of his gut. He thinks this is funny. "I guess you already know. I am already affecting you." He looks me up and down. He smirks yet again. "Don't worry my little birdy, you are doing the same to me. You have no idea how much control you have over me, or how much I want to take you right here on this table."

I feel myself shudder at his bold comment. My mouth goes dry, dryer than the Sahara desert. My skin is hotter than a roaring fire in a heatwave. I fear if he touches me that he will burn his fingers. That doesn't stop my desperate want, no need for him to reach over and let his fingers and hands touch me, no explore me. Just one graze, just one kiss and I'll be satisfied until I take my last breath. "What is stopping you?" It's a stupid question, I already know the answer.

"You." He says not missing a beat. "I need your permission to unleash him, I am still a gentleman and consent is key." My chest rises, my breath shortens, I can't believe what I am hearing or what is about to come out my mouth. "Yes. You have my permission. Bruce."

He doesn't waste any time. I feel him swiftly take my waist with his arm, forcing me closer to him as his mouth instantly meets mine. His plump lips are soft and smooth, yet his kiss is hard and rough. He has a thirst and the only thing that can clench it is me. His over hand is in my hair climbing it together in one fast yet soft motion making sure not to pull it too hard. My hands unconsciously move to his face, resting against his sharp jawline. My eyes flicker shut and I let the passion of his kiss surge through my body. He removes his hand from my hair and glides it down my back to arse, cupping it roughly causing me to let out a moan. He cups it harder.

He pulls away from the kiss abruptly, his over hand moving to my arse using both hands to lift me up. I wrap my legs around his slim waist and my arms around his neck. He sets me down on the table. I unlink my arms from his neck, he stares down at my shirt and grunts in disapproval. "Off." I obey, slowly unbuttoning it. "Faster." He growls out, getting agitated that it's taking too long. He grapes each side of the shirt, in one swift motion ripping it out sending buttons flying everywhere - bouncing off the table onto the floor. He looks down at my bra, my tits. "Beautiful." He runs his finger across the lace all the way to the clip at the back, slowly unclipping it. He watches it fall onto the table, then quickly his gaze back up to my now free exposed breasts, He quickly disregards his shirt. His hard, chiseled exposed chest sending fireworks through me, my knickers already damp and wet. Ready for him. His hands moved to my trousers, tugging them off. He leaves me in my panties. I reach out and touch him just above his waist line, circling my fingers around the top of his fitted suit pants. "Please." He practically begs out. I listen and quickly take them down, revealing his boxers and his hard boner trapped in them. 

"Oh my god." My breathing becomes shorter and quicker with each breath. He gently lays me down as he climbs onto the table. I lay flat on my back as he towers over me, sliding my panties off to reveal my dripping wet cunt. His eyes focused on mine. He stands to his knees, tugging down his own underwear. His hard cock springing out. It's massive, at least 10 inches. Bigger than I have ever before. "I'll go slow." He promises. I smile at him, nodding. He places his fingers on my clit massaging it softly, he's preparing me. With each soft stroke I moan louder and louder. "Bruce." His soft strokes change into a nice kneading sensation on my clit as his tongue moves down my labia and into me. He feels amazing. He holds my thigh still and in place, as I ride his face. Pleasure coursing through me, with each moan. I crave me more. I crave him. I cry out more sounds of pleasure mixed with moans as he edges me closer to an orgasm. He pulls away, his wet face moving towards mine. "Ready?" I nod. He places his hand beside my head on each side, laying them flatly. I feel his tip against my folds, slowly going deeper into me. I scream out in pleasure, my back slightly arched. He starts to thrust, slow, soft and gentle. We are both adjusting to each other. He thrust quicker each time until a nice, steady pace. He feels amazing. My body bounces with each connection of our hips. One of his hands moves to my breasts, kneading it like dough. We both moan out, pleasure washing over us with each thrust. His pace quickens. It's fast and hard, he explores me deeper. His cock hitting my g-spot each time perfectly. The orgasm is fast and quick to come, he thrust one last time harder than the last with that we both came. He slowly removes his cock and lays down next to me on the table, sweeping the hair out of my face.

I turn to face him. He's a hot, sweaty mess. His hair is all over the place. He is absolutely gorgeous. I can only imagine what I look like. "You are absolutely stunning, my love." He speaks out, wrapping in his warm embrace, caressing my face. We both lay down on his table, naked. Naked but madly in love.

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