Charles Xavier

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Y/n was a mutant. Unlike any other mutants, she was a combination of both her mother and father. Her mother possessed telepathic and telekinetic powers, while her father was a beast. Many saw her as a satanic, unholy, undignified creature. Y/n didn't care what humans thought. Why should she give them the satisfaction of getting under her beastly skin? Except when she was angry or emotionally charged, Y/n's beast form showed. She could live with her powers, but not control them. Living with powers is different from controlling them. Her inability to control them was due to the fact no one else knew how to, no one was able to help her.

Until she was found by other mutants, Charles Xavier and Eric Lensherr, one could manipulate metal while the other could manipulate the mind, read minds and communicate with his mind. A telepath and Magneto. Y/n did not like the fact that she was discovered. Why would she? As long as she can recall, her father and her mother died when she was young. She rarely had company nor did she like any. Since no one cared for her, she didn't have a place to call home. Never staying anywhere for too long, her life was always on the move. When Charles and Eric came to find Y/n and try to give her a home, she felt as though she was under attack.

The feeling of being like that was not pleasant for her, so she made her feelings clear. No one had ever stood a chance against her. However she never crossed Charles and Eric, unlike her they could control their powers and had experience. She was dangerous to society and to the boys. Many ideas were proposed on how to persuade Y/n to join them, but whether they would work is another matter.

First they had to catch her, that meant getting her to stay in one place. Charles decided that he would try to track her location by trying to get in her mind. Celebro. He would enter her mind and pinpoint her location. That's exactly what they did, she was in Houston - Texas.

The blackbird was powered up and fired off to Texas. Will she join them?They landed. All they had to do was find her, and that wasn't going to be easy. When someone doesn't want to be found, it's hard to locate them. Even though she was smart, never leaving her tracks, she didn't have the extraordinary powers of Charles. He found her in a matter of hours.

Having cornered her, they were all bruised, beaten, and barely able to stand up. Though they thought they had her, they were mistaken. Charles was pinned against the wall by the woman, but not enough to hurt him since she was exhausted and sore. Erik uses all his strength to lift a steel rod to knock her out and set Charles free.

"No Erik, lower that rod. We aren't here to hurt her, we are here to recruit her and give her a home. " Charles said, mostly looking at her than Erik. He was trying to convince her to join their school.

"You are not alone, Y/N. A lot of others are like you, they are called mutants. You are neither a freak nor a monster. You are a unique, powerful, intelligent, and beautiful person. With our help, you will be able to control your powers." He said to her as her grip softened letting him go but he didn't move, Erik lowered the steel rod. She just stared between the men, but mostly at Charles.

He intrigued her. She didn't quite understand why and she couldn't quite figure it out but he just did. It could be his beautiful oceanic eyes, or his perfectly styled brown hair, or the way he stood with such confidence and assertiveness. It could be the way his muscles slightly showed through his buttoned up shirt. She wanted to know more about him and why they were after her.

"HELP ME, no one can trust me. It never ends well, trust me. People die." She tells them, tears forming in her eyes. Charles brings his fingers to his temple, reading her mind. He sees one memory. Her parents' death

(the memory)

Young Y/n is with her parents in the garden. Her father in his true form, a beast. Her mother uses her telekinetic powers to make lemonade. Little Y/n trying to change like her father did, failing each time.

"Daddy, it's not working. I can't do it. I hate this." She said getting angrier and angrier by the minute, the ground shaking beneath her as she started to change into a blue monster. Her short brown bob turned into a long blue mane, her skin now a baby blue colour. Her eyes changed from blue to yellow. Long sharp fangs poking out her mouth. The ground shaking harder and faster by the second, unintentionally she began to lift things up.

"Honey, she's doing it, look at our baby girl -". That was the last thing, her father said before a pipe went through his chest killing him instantly. He was gone. She then went to her mother, shattered by the loud noises that circled through her head. Her parents were killed in an instant

"Mummy. Daddy. Please wake up. I need you to wake up. Mum, Dad." She said running between them. She let out a loud scream and cried until she couldn't breathe. " I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, please wake up." They didn't wake up, they were gone.

(end of memory)

"Y/n, your parents death wasn't your fault. It was an accident" He looked at her, she stared at him. How dare he do that? How dare he enter that memory? That was private, that was hers not his. Her anger fell to sadness. She broke down. "We can help you, we own a school for gifted and unique young people like you. We helped them and we can help you."


"My name is Charles and he is Eric. He can move metal with his mind, I am a telepath. We are mutants, just like you are. If you let us, we can harness that amazing power of yours and turn it into something good, instead of you being afraid of it. You can move things with your mind, read minds and turn into a beautiful beast."

"Fine, Charles and Eric I'll go with you to this school but on one condition stay the fuck out of my head or I'll kill you both." They both nodded, scared. They have never seen a mutant as powerful as her, and they did not wish to piss her off anymore.

They all boarded blackbird and flew to 'Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters'.

(two years later)

Y/n could now fully control her powers, she was happy at her new home. She finally felt she belonged somewhere, she knows that her parents are looking down happily at her. She had a new family, she was finally accepted and loved and cared for again.

She was called into Charles' office.

She entered his office, she was nervous. She was always nervous around him.

"Professor, you wanted to see me". He wanted to see her, yes he did. He wanted to do a lot more than see her.

"Yes, Y/n read my mind. I give you permission to read my mind". She found that fascinating, he never let anyone read his mind. Why her?

She read his mind, he wanted her. He wanted her to kiss him and a lot more. She was shocked by this. " You want me to-" she stopped half way through, surprised and shocked, he wanted her as much as she wanted him. She stood there shocked as she touched her lips.

That drove him insane, so he stood up and slowly walked over to her, lifting her chin up so her eyes met his. As she closes her eyes, she leans in and kisses him softly yet passionately. Their lips melted into each other, and they both let the kiss devour them.

He was hers. She was his. They were inseparable.

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