🫦Bruce Wayne🫦

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Bruce Wayne. Billionaire playboy. He is many things but Batman, that surprised me, i wouldn't have guessed that Bruce Wayne is Batman. I couldn't believe it when I found out. I remember it as if it was yesterday.

I am chasing a suspect, an evil bastard. He works for an even more evil bastard. Absolute scum. I've been chasing this wanker for ten blocks, my legs are killing me. I am a great detective but I am far from a star athlete. I know one thing for sure is when I catch this fucker he's going to regret making me run for this long.

He turns a corner, dead end. Bad decision. He's mine. I've got you now. "Fuck." That piece of shit curses out. He quickly turns to see that I've trapped him. "You're mine, now." I stare him down, as I catch my breath. "Run and I'll shoot you."

"I dare you." He spits out. My gaze hardens as he steps forward. I feel the anger bubble up from the inside. I need to catch this arsehole to take down his corrupted boss. Then from the dark of the shadows, we both hear. "Didn't your mother tell you it's rude to spit, especially at a beautiful woman." I know that voice from anywhere, it haunts my dreams. Him. The Batman.

He jumps from wherever he was hiding, between the criminal and I. "Detective Gordon." He nods to me, I growl under my breath. I don't need his help. I don't want his help. The criminal lunges towards him, he swiftly moves away causing the scum to crash into a wall. I can't help but laugh. "You find this funny? Bitch. "

"Hilarious." I turn to face him, he lunges towards me. Batman grabs him and throws him again into the wall. I stand back and watch as the two men fight, Mostly Batman throwing my suspect to the wall or on the ground.

The fight finishes with my suspect on the floor and the Batman standing over him with half of his mask on the floor. "I had it handled but thank you I guess." I walk over to the man on the floor and arrest him. I turn to face Batman to see his emotionless face. Holy fuck. It's Bruce Wayne.

Now I am pacing my fathers office before he returns his phone call to mum. My father, Commissioner Gordon. Shit shit. "FUCK!" I shout out, kicking over the trash can. The commissioner enters his office. "Hey, hey. What's wrong?" He quickly walks over to me, shutting the door behind him, concern plastered all over his face.

"I'm fine." My undertone is clearly not fine. He looks down at him, clearly not buying it. "Y/n, you are my daughter. I know you better than you can think, something is clearly bugging you." " I begin to pace more up and down the office again. I shouldn't tell him. I can't tell him.

"I can't tell you. I love you, dad. Sorry for kicking that, sir." I quickly leave his office, accidently slamming the door behind me. I make my way out the precinct and to my squad car and drive all the way to Wayne Manor. What am I thinking? I am not.

I park up outside the Manor and get out to see Alfred Pennyworth, Mr. Wayne's butler, waiting for me. I walk up towards him. "Detective. Master Wayne is in the dining room, he's been waiting for you." The fact that he has been waiting made my skin crawl, I could feel the hair on my neck stand up. I push down the feeling of dread and smile at Alfred. I nod my head as Alfred moves out the way. "Thank you." I gulp hard as I walk through the Manor.

I walk down the massive, brightly lit hall. Windows starting at the ceiling and finishing at the floor. It directs me to him. He is sat at the very last seat of a lengthy table that takes up most of the room. He lifts his head up as I enter. "Miss Gordon, to what do I owe the pleasure. Please sit." He grins, gesturing to the seat next to him. 

I stand still, not moving an inch. "I know who you are." His grin twists into a smirk. "Is that right, Detective?" I gulp again as my courage slips away, the adrenaline finally wearing off. "Yes it is. Batman."

He chuckles deeply at my response. " I suppose you do." We both stare at each other, him chuckling and me, well I'm not making a sound.

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