Milo Manheim

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A/N - MILO MANHEIM IS ALL I HAVE TO SAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. I cant stop daydreaming about him and making up scenarios in my head, GOD I NEED HELP. (Only 381 words, sorry)

Milo and I are sitting in his room. I am laying down on his bed, it's very comfortable. Milo is sitting down on the edge of his bed, playing his playstation five. He's very focused on his game, which he is losing. Every now and again you'll hear him shout - "Ugh", "Fuck" , "Oh my god." "Oh my days. I hate this game so much. Fuck." He shouts out, throwing his controller down. He runs his hands through his hair. I look up from my phone. "Milo. Take a break if it's frustrating you. Then try again later." I tell him as my eyes flicker up at him. He grunts. I sit up and shuffle to him. "Milo." I say, taking his hands in mine. "A break now." I tell him now, not taking no for an answer.

"Fine." He huffs out, wrapping his arm around me. I laugh at him, shaking my head at him. "See, cuddling your girlfriend is much better than that stupid game." I look up at him, teasing him. He raised his eyebrows at me, clearly not impressed. "Shush." He mumbles out, wrapping his over arm around me, throwing both us back on the bed - pulling me in close.

"You could have just said that you wanted cuddles." I tease him, poking his nose. His grip gently gets tighter around my waist, he chuckles deeply. "Be quiet Y/n."

"No I don't think I will."

"Oh wow when did my girlfriend turn into old Steve Rogers." He laughs at his joke. I nudge his head lightly. "Not funny Milo." He laughs harder at my reaction. "Oh yes I am, Y/n."I try to wriggle out of his grip to annoy him, his grip tightens. "Nuh uh, you're not going anywhere. Flower." His nickname for me, I don't understand why he calls me that but he does and he refuses to tell why. I don't bother to fight back anymore because he's comfy. "Fine you win for now. Pretty Boy." I tell, snuggling closer into his chest. He hums in response as we both slowly fall asleep.

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