Five Hargreeves

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Five Hargreeves was an asshole to Y/n, He was always a rude, sadistic bastard well at least to them. They hated each other. Or did they? Was there hatred for each other just to mask their love for another? Did they hate the fact that they are in love with each other?

Feelings are tricky, especially if you are denying them. These two were swimming in denial. Neither of them dare confess any actual feelings apart from utter hatred because that would be insane.

Y/n didn't want to care for him, they wanted nothing to do with Five and his stupidly actractive features and his absolute asshole personality. When it was just the two of them, he wasn't that annoyingly perfect, smart self. He was actually alright, he was still an asshole but a sweet and kind one. He was himself and not trying so hard to be like Luther, Diego or a complete bastard, that was the Five they fell in love with, not the one he is pretending to be. They would never admit it but it was true.

Family meetings were awful, even though Y/n wasn't part of the family. They were always included. Y/n was like them, they had powers, they can move things with their mind - telekinetic. The umbrella academy saved them when saving the world, Five just coulded leave his Y/n, so they stayed with them.

"Move your leg, Five. I need to get past." Y/n said, trying to get past his leg, he clearly put them there just to piss them off. He ignored them. Y/n getting angrier but they wanted to embarrass him for payback. " Five, move your leg or I'll just have to sit on your lap." They said calmly and quite flirty. Five quickly moved his leg as blush raised to his cheeks. "Thank you Five" Y/n had a big smirk on their face. Five could feel the butterflies in his stomach increase, trying to stop the butterflies so Y/n doesn't get the satisfaction of making him embarrassed and 'all mushy inside'. The meeting was quite boring, Five and Y/n kept glaring at each other. The eye contact with Five drove Y/n insane, they wanted to just stop and kiss him but that would be wrong. They 'hate' him. Right? Y/n was too busy fighting with her outrageous thoughts about Five and wanting to kiss, be with him; just them and no one else. They didn't even acknowledge the meeting was over and Five was trying to get their attention.

"Y/N? HELLO Y/N! Are you even listening?" He said huffing and puffing. They just rolled their eyes at him.

"No I wasn't FIVE. I actually cannot understand you sometimes. You are so confusing, you know that right. When we are alone, you are a completely different person. It makes no sense. Stop playing with my feelings, it hurts. Do you even like me like how I like you? You honestly drive me crazy. I can't get you out of my head and I hate it so much sometimes because you can be a complete asshole. SO NO FIVE I WASN'T LISTENING BECAUSE YOU WILL NOT STAY OUT OF MY HEAD. SO LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE" They did, they confessed their feelings and with that Y/n stormed off, they couldn't believe what they had done. Y/n was humiliated, Five knows. He knows that they like him and can't get his stupidly attractive self out of their head.

Y/n ran up to their room, slammed the door, leaned against the wall and slid down. Y/n sat there with their heads in their hands. "What have I done? How could i be so stupid?" They whispered to themself. Then Five appeared in their room and knelt down to them, slowly lifting their head up.

"You did what we should have done ages ago, confess our real feelings for each other. You are not stupid. You are quite far from that, you are smart, brave and beautiful. I am sorry for being a complete asshole but I just didn't know how to tell you that I like you without being mean to you or being a complete and utter asshole" he said to them. It was the truth, he wanted to say more but he didn't want to scare them. He looked at them sheepishly and deeply.

"Kiss me Five".

And that is exactly what he did. He kissed them

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