Evan 'Buck' Buckley

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Buck and I have been dating secretly for a few months, 6 to be exact. It has been amazing, just us. Little diner dates, picnics in the park, and days at the beach. Secret kisses in the station. Disappearing for hours just to talk. I've never been happier when I'm with Evan. But I'm worried that's all it is a secret, I want everything with Buckley. I don't want it to be a secret anymore. You might be wondering why the secrets? There is too much to risk and lose. Our jobs are so dangerous, firefighter and police officer.Maybe also the fact that Evan is my older brother Eddie's best friend.That might be an important factor.

Y/n M/n Diaz.

I love Evan, I am in love with him. Madly and desperately in love with him. He is just perfect. Never judges, always listens. He understands me more than anyone in the world. I understand him. He knows everything. He can spot everything. He knows when I'm having a bad day and how to make it better depending on the situation. He knows what do when I'm stressed. Everything. He knows all the important stuff and the silly ( not important stuff). He's just wonderful. How can you not love him?

Eddie will just have to deal with it, the overprotective asshole. I love him regardless.

We are all working today. Edmundo, Evan, and I. This will be fun.

Breakfast, that's all I could think about. Bobby makes the best waffles in the world. I've been dreaming about them since I woke up. The fluffiness of the waffle, the golden maple syrup. Delicious is all I can say about it. But first I need to talk to Evan about our relationship, which will be super fun and easy - not.

"Hey Buckley, I need to talk to you" I said walking up to him. He looked nervous, oh god. Poor baby. "Yeah sure Diaz, what about?" I pulled him away from everyone into the locker room.

He looks terrified. "Us. Evan I want to talk about us. I can't do this secrecy anymore. I want to be able to kiss you or more without anyone catching us. I don't care what they will think. I only care about you and me. Buck. I love you." Omg I said it. I actually said it this is crazy. He's smiling at me, his smile. His gorgeous smile, it just makes me melt. O

"You love me?" I smile at him. " OH THANK FUCK, I've been stressing about how to tell you all week because Y/n Diaz I love you too". He leant down and kissed me lightly on the lips.

"I think it's time, we tell them then." I look up at his baby blue eyes.

" I think that they already know, sweetheart." I turn around to see everyone staring at us, shocked, confused, anger - mostly from Eddie.

"OH WELL, I GUESS THAT THEY NEED TO GET OVER IT BECAUSE -" I turn back to Evan " I LOVE YOU EVAN BUCKLEY." He laughs and smirks, grabbing my waist.
" I LOVE YOU TOO Y/N DIAZ" He says giving a big passionate kiss. Oh god, I love this man.

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