Steve Rogers

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No matter how hard he tired, he just couldn't focus on the mission. It might because of the dream he had last night or because of her -his partner on the mission. As the leather suit perfect hugged her curves perfectly, the way she took down the Hydra agents so swiftly.  He just couldn't see to focus around her beauty. She was definitely the reason. He couldn't seem to take his eyes of her.

The mission was a success just barely, Steve was just too distracted by her to even care. All he knew was that she was pure perfection and he wanted her to be all his. He knew that it would be wrong but it sounded so right to him that didn't care.

She enchanted him. Her  laugh was infectious, her smile was brightening. The way she spoke was like poison to him, always made him weak in the knees. Her eyes were peaceful, he would look in them and suddenly have a sense of calmness yet intoxicating as he could stare into the for hours. Her body mesmerised him, like she was perfectly chiseled out of marble.

Her fantastic personality was the thing that made him fall in love with her. She was kind, caring and thoughtful. She stood up for what was right, what she believed in. She was hilarious. She was determined and stubborn, enthusiastic and confident. She always helped those who couldn't help themselves - that's what made her such an amazing agent. She fought for everything she believed was right.

Steve couldn't help but fall for her, who wouldn't she was outstanding. No one could ever meet up to her. She was exceptional.

As he made his way over to congratulate her on a amazing job done, he felt nervous. "Congratulations, we succeed." He said.

"Yeah it was a tricky mission,wasn't it? I didn't we actually finished it"  Steve felt a wave of guilt wash over him as she spoke.

"Sorry" he whispered, hoping she wouldn't hear. She did.

"Why would you be sorry? I was the one who was distracted." She was distracted but why?.

"You were distracted. Why were you distracted?" He says concerned.

"It's not everyday that you get to work with Captain America. I was so nervous that I would mess up and make us fail." Of course, She was nervous because he was Mr. Perfect Captain America, why else she ever feel nervous around him? Steve was disappointed in himself, she could never like him like that. He just Captain America.

"No way, you were a badass out their if anything I was distracted because your amazing combat skills and your beauty." He mentally face palmed. Did he really say that? Yes he did. Panic grew in him.
'Great thinking Captain America'.

She smiled and blushed at him. She took his hand.

"Thanks Steve. If anything I should be the one who cost us the mission, I mean who wouldn't be distracted by the extremely attractive Steve Rogers." Steve became to feel more confident, he slowly pulled her in by her waist, softly yet passionately kissing her.

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