Roman Kemp

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Roman and I have been dating for a while, four years to be exact. I couldn't be more in love with him. He is truly perfect. The perfect boyfriend. I know what you are thinking, the perfect boyfriend doesn't exist but it does, it's Roman. He truly is. He does and notices the little things as well as the bigger things. The way I like my tea and a fresh pack of my favourite biscuits, he notices when my emotions get the best of me and he knows when to get me back and calm me down. I guess that's what happens when you have been in a relationship for a while. I notice the little things about him too, how he is nervous about something, he will twiddle his thumbs or hold my hand and squeeze it ever so gently. The way his eyebrows slightly borrow when he focuses on something, it's adorable.

Roman and I are sitting on the sofa. He's scrolling through instagram and I am on tiktok. My head resting on his lap while laying on my side - scrunched up in a little ball. His lap is very comfortable (I could honestly fall asleep).

I turn off my phone and look up at my gorgeous boyfriend, he's not noticed as he scrolls on his phone endlessly. "Ro, have you seen the Sun article about us?" I ask, slowly sitting up and facing him. He looked at me, clearly confused. I smiled at him. "The one about the rumours of my pregnancy, which aren't true." His eyes widened, he dropped his phone onto his lap and almost choked on his own saliva. "What!" He coughed out.

I look at him. I am confused. How hasn't he seen it? "You're telling me that you haven't seen it. It's everywhere. I thought you knew everything." I teased him, rolled my eyes. "NO! I have not seen it. The press thinks you're...we're pregnant." He corrected himself. I smiled at him. "Yes, it's crazy. I am not. Clearly." I moved my hands slowly up and down my nonpregnant body. I laughed lightly.

He stayed quiet for a while, it was very funny. I took out my phone and tweet - @Y/N_Walsh: 'Hello @The_Sun_Newspaper, I am not PREGNANT. Your recent article is very convincing but due to the fact I am on a very good contraceptive pill and my last negative test, I would have to say NO!. Many apologies Y/n x.'

"Roman. Hello." I turned my phone off and waved my hands in front of my frozen, fearful boyfriend. "ROMAN KEMP." He looked at me, shocked and scared. "Ummm.. So not pregnant but they think pregnant." He muttered out. I nodded my head, 'yes'.

"Okay. Okay." He calmed down. "Not pregnant yet, so I've got to step up my game." He grinned at me, that smirk weakened me to my knees. "ROMAN." I shrieked loudly, whacked his leg gently. "Well, I better get to work." He smirked, grabbed my hips and pulled me close to him.

"Smooth, Mr Kemp." I teased him, wrapped my arms around his neck. "Yes I am, future Mrs Kemp." He whispered in my ear, sent shivers down my spines after finally he kissed my lips, softly. 

A/N - Its a short one but its something lol. Enjoy. 552 words.

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