Niall: Daddy

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"We're so glad to have you over for dinner finally." Your mom smiles at Niall as she places the chicken on the table.

"I'm glad to be here. This all smells so good." Niall shut his eyes taking in a huge smell of all the food my mom cooked.

"Suck up." You mumble, bumping your knee against his making him chuckle.

"Ah, Niall nice to see you." Your dad walks over to him giving him a firm hand shake before sitting at the head of the table. "How have you been?"

"Good sir. How are you?" Niall questions, his whole demeanor changing.

"Very well. Hungry." Your dad cracks a smile making Niall let out a deep breath making you giggle. "You look nice (Y/N)."

"Thanks daddy." You smile as your mom walks back into the room taking her seat. "Can we please eat, I am starving!"

"Yes go ahead." Your mom laughs as everyone starts to gather what they want. There's not much conversation during dinner but as soon as dessert comes out and hour or so later everyone's talking.

"So you are thinking about college, rnight?" Your father asks Niall with a stern voice.

"Uh yes sir, have been looking recently. Planning on going on some tours." He answers back, his leg shaking under the table. Your dad gives a nod of approval before taking a bite of the cake your mom made.

"Can you get me a cup of milk daddy?" You ask, only to hear two chairs scoot out. Your eyes widen as you look up to see both your father and Niall standing. Your throat dries as your hands start to shake, your eyes burning into Niall.

"Uh, sorry my mums ringing me." He laughs nervously as he pulls his phone out and walks down the hall carrying out a fake conversation.

Your dad gives you a glance before walking into the kitchen, the tension in the room dissolving. "Your father and I have our bowling league tonight, we have to get going soon." Your mom tells you as she starts to clean up the table.

You nod still in shock of what just took place and how neither of your parents thought anything weird of it. "Don't let Niall stay to late, okay?"

"Yes mom." You smile, your dad putting the glass of milk down on the table. "Uh you can have this dad, I'm full."

"Okay, we'll see you later. Niall needs to be out before 9." He tells you before he completely chugs the milk.

"Of course, I'm going to go see if he's okay. His mom has been having uh some um problems." You stutter out, lying right to your dads face. You get up, saying goodbye to your parents before rushing down the hall to find Niall.

"Ni?" You call out, walking into your room. The door closes behind you and you see Niall standing there. "That was uh"

"Weird, but I've told you before. You only have one daddy, and who is that?" He asks, his voice low and husky as he pushes you up against the wall, his thumb pulling at your bottom lip.

"You." You breath out, his finger tracing your lips.

"What was that?" He smirks grabbing the back of your neck, his fingers digging into your skin.

"YOU." You groan, pressing your hips against his.

"Stop." He growls grabbing your hips and pushing them back against the wall. You whimper, sucking on his thumb before he pulls it out. "Only do what daddy tells you to do." He speaks slowly making your sin crawl. "Got it?"

"Yes." You whisper, your tongue running around his finger.

"Yes who?" He smirks, his eyes dark as his hand moves from your neck to your ass.

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