Calum: A Beast

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"He went to the same middle school as you, and you didn't even know him.Last year you were a Freshman in high school with your heart set on dating the football players but that didn't ever happen. Reality is always different isn't that funny.Who did you end up talking to Calum and he was no football player he was a baseball player, captain of the varsity team to be exact. One day he just decided to slide into you DM's and it worked and now you guys are dating.Sure you guys fight and bump heads often but that bypasses everything the love you feel for each other is real." ~ Morning Thoughts

I was a dancer at our high school and we had a rally coming up and the crunch time to learn this dance was a week and it was 2 minutes long, seems simple enough but you're in way over your head.Monday we have no school which is great well it should be great but nope I have to go into practice in at 7:00 in the morning, what the actual hell.

Im just trying to relax a bit before i go back to the hell hole i call a school to be told i have to spend my off day at that place pfft.Later on today though Calum should be coming over just to hang out which should be nice i have to take a shower before he walks in I would hate to smell with him around.

I get done with dance practice i am hot and sweaty i just seriously don't feel awake enough to even move my legs to walk.My mom picks me up and drops me off home the car ride was peaceful she didn't ask too many questions as she knew i was tired.I get home and immediately take off everything as this bra is only pissing me off for how sweaty it made me.While i turn on the shower and hook up my phone to the speaker.My mom comes in as i tie my robe around my body "I am going to the store real quick to pick up some things you want anything?" " can you get my some Cheetos puffs (spicy) and chocolate pleaseee" i say smiling my mom smiles back and nods her head and she closes the door. I get some relaxing clothes on as i hear the garage door open and her car engine starting. 

I brush my hair and start to take out my makeup bag, natural i thought it would just fit this look a lot better . I apply my too faced foundation lightly with some mascara.Finishing up my eyebrows i hear a door pull up and I see its calum, the door opens while im putting away my makeup.We talk and i missed him so much sometimes he brightens my day so easily.I was showing him a meme on my phone which we were both dying to, and one thing led to another calum is taking off my lazy shorts.He bites his lip as he looks down on me and starts to kneel down to my stomach and kiss me trailing down to my thighs as his long slender fingers play with my clit.He teasingly put on finger inside me making me moan "more...plea" before i could finish he put in two more fingers, my head tossed back and hands went to his head as my fingers grasped on his curly black hair.

" I am so close baby more more please ugh" he pulled out his fingers and smiled playfully at me- that little asshole.He unbuckled his pants and i pulled them down and he grabbed the condom that was inside his wallet.He made me turn around as my ass was sticking up for him he slapped it which made me bite m lip.I turned my head to see my mirror showing me he was staring at me he winking before he rammed inside me, usually he is slow at first letting me relax then he will get harder. This time seemed different he was more demanding and was it more sexy fuck yes.He was never very loud in bed sometimes a moan here and there with the occasional eye roll.This time he was grunting and i could hear his deep breaths he was grabbing my ass and thighs making me moan "Cal Cal oh oh god" He starts getting faster.Pulling practically all the way before putting it back in deeper.

He turned me around and put my legs on his shoulds while his eyes closed, i was a moaning mess as i always am."Fuck im close Y/N" he said while his thrusts got more sporadic and faster.My legs started shaking and my eyes rolled back making me see white, as he came his hands dug into my thighs which felt so good.He fell on top of me but not putting all his weight and started kissing me and repeatedly saying how much he loved me."we should get some clothes on my mom just went to the store she should be here any minute." as we finally both got dressed he grabbed my hand as he sat on my bed pulling me towards his waist until we heard the garage door open.

We both scrambled and i told him to go outside and look like he just got here and i was making myself more presentable.My mom came in her face seemed fine - FUCK does she know he is already here his fucking car is prob parked right in front of my fucking house god dammit im an idiot. I scramble to my room and check outside the window to see Cal behind a bush on his phone ... wow and his car ay at the end of the street. I am dating a genius."Y/N can you help me with the groceries?" i walk out of my room "Yes mom" right after the door bell rings and i open it and cal winks at me." youre dating a beast, i saw you look out the window didn't expect to see that huh." i chuckled "no,no i didnt" as i kissed his cheek and let him inside the house.

"mom Calum is here" i say walking to the kitchen with him "Oh, perfect he can help put away these groceries."

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