Niall: Make You Happy

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"Don't hate me, angel," Niall says to you as you turn your back to him, sliding into bed.

"I don't hate you," You tell him, your voice flat and emotionless. You allow your head to fall onto your pillow, and you find yourself staring at the ceiling as an uncomfortable silence takes over, until Niall breaks it.

"Are you gonna make me sleep on the couch tonight?" Niall mumbles, and he's speaking so quietly that you can barely understand what he's saying. After just going through the worst possible argument that you could ever go through with someone as cheerful as Niall, neither of you are in the best of moods. In fact, you're surprised that he hasn't already left.

You let out a long sigh, and for a moment, you're actually considering it. You wouldn't mind having the bed to yourself, especially on a night like this, when all you think you want is to be alone. But, your sympathy for Niall takes the better of you, and you flip over so that you're facing him as he stands in the doorway of the bedroom, already clutching his pillow.

A tiny smile tugs at your lips, and you already know there's no way you can last the night without Niall. So, you slide over, allowing space for Niall to join you. "Get over here before I change my mind." You watch as Niall hurries over to you, hugging his pillow to his chest as he sinks in next to you.

You're facing each other, just staring. His eyes are studying your face as if he's determining whether or not it would be safe for him to touch you. Eventually, the tension eases and he carefully reaches out to stroke the side of your face with the back of his index finger. His touch is shaky at first, and it feels like it's been years since he's touched you, when in reality, it's only been hours.

"I truly am sorry for being such an idiot, ya know," Niall speaks first, in a surprisingly steady tone. "Sometimes I forget how lucky I am to have you."

You drop your eyes from his, and instead you avert your attention to where his hand has finally linked with yours. You focus on how gentle he is as he rubs circles into the palm of your hand with his thumb. Niall is quick in noticing your distraction, and he steals your attention back by abruptly pressing his lips to yours. Your eyes widen as his close, and he trails his tongue along your bottom lip, before catching it between his teeth, all at a painfully slow pace.

"I can't stand havin' you mad at me," He says to you. "My princess should always be happy."

"What can I do?" He asks, attaching his lips to your neck. "What can I do to make it up to you? What can I do to make you happy, darlin'?" He leaves a cluster of kisses along your neck before his lips ghost over yours. You feel his breath on your skin as he awaits an answer from you.

"You're already doing it," You manage to say, and you're already breathing heavily in an attempt to catch the breath you've seemed to have lost. You shift onto your back while Niall climbs on top of you, straddling your hips.

He dips his head to lock his lips with yours, one final time, before he slides down your body. A familiar excitement rushes through you, making goosebumps rise on your skin. You've been with Niall long enough to know what he's fully capable of when it comes to pleasing you. You lick your lips in anticipation as his fingers slip under the waistband of your shorts. He pulls your shorts down only slightly, pressing kisses to your newly exposed skin.

You whine at his teasing, squirming underneath him. He chuckles and keeps his eyes on yours while he slides your shorts further down your legs, but not enough to completely satisfy you. "Look at you," He says with another chuckle, except this one has an evil ring to it. "I've hardly even started, and you're already a mess." He clicks his tongue and shakes his head, but you know that your eagerness is exactly what he wants. He wants you to crumble under his touch. And, so far, he's having quite the success.

"Niall," You breathe, impatiently bucking your hips up. But, Niall wants to take it slow, and how Niall wants it is how Niall gets it. He forcefully holds your body down with one hand, while using the other to awkwardly yank at your shorts until they're finally off of you.

"What's wrong, princess?" He teases, pecking the insides of your thighs and still refusing to break the eye contact between the two of you.

"I just-" You interrupt yourself with a gasp that leaves your lips when Niall's fingers brush over your core, which is still clothed by your panties. "I need you so bad, Niall. Please, baby." You're begging now, and quite frankly, you're done with caring about how pathetic it sounds.

Niall seems pleased by your response, because he's ripping your panties off of you so quickly that you can't even process what's going on. He growls in satisfaction before his face disappears between your legs, and you shriek as you feel his warm tongue against your heat.

"Niall!" You cry out, and though you can't see it, you know he's smirking. His tongue continues to work for you, hitting angles that you never thought were possible. You can feel your high approaching, quicker than either of you expected, but before you can get there, Niall insists on doing more. He shoves one of his fingers into you, and it isn't long before he adds another. Your hands desperately search for something to grasp, and they eventually land in Niall's hair. He growls as you tug on his hair, pulling him closer.

"Are you close, sweetheart?" He asks, and now his eyes are focused on where his fingers are pumping in and out of you.

"So close," You whimper, throwing your head back.

"Mmm," He hums, "Let it go, baby. Cum for daddy."

"Oh, Niall!" You squeal, as waves of pleasure rush through you.

"That's it, princess. Scream for me," He demands, leaning in to add his tongue into the mix.

"Niall!" You do as you're told, screaming Niall's name because it's the only thing that you can focus on.

Once you've finally recomposed yourself, you open your eyes to see Niall crawling up to you with a smirk on his face. He collapses beside you and sweetly pecks the side of your face, clearly pleased with himself.

"Don't you want me to...?" You trail off, your eyebrows furrowed.

"No," He simply says, nuzzling his head into your neck. "I'll let you return the favor in the morning. But, for now, I just want to cuddle with you."

And you're more than happy to do just that.

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