Michael: Snowed In ❄️

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Michael was outside shoveling the driveway. The snow was falling heavily and quickly. You stood in the doorway staring out the window watching him. His bright red hair made it easy to spot him in the bright white snow. The path he made was quickly disappearing behind him and by the time he reached the end of the driveway the while path he'd just shoveled was full again.

You could hear him groan even though he was far away and the door was closed. He didn't even bother shoveling his way back, he just walked through the thick fluffy snow. Moving over you made room for him to easily come into the warm house since it was freezing out. As soon as he was inside he pulled out his phone and called Luke.

You and Michael were suppose to go out with the boys for the night. But Michael had came to the conclusion it wouldn't be safe for any of you to have to drive in the bad weather. His usually pale cheeks and nose were bright red, almost the color of his hair it seemed - from being out in the cold for so long. It was like Clifford the red haired reindeer(such a bad pun). You could hear Luke talking through the phone but couldn't make out what exactly it was he was saying.

Jumping on your tiptoes you clung to Michael's side trying to hear what was being said. Michael laughed pulling you into his side giving you a freezing hug as he 'huh'ed' and 'yes-ed' Luke to death.

"Alright we'll meet up when the weather is better mate but I'm freezing so let go so i can get all the way inside." Michael said.

Luke spoke once more before Michael got off the phone. Shaking his head while thinking back on the conversation he just hang with his friend. Slipping out of his coat and boots he rubbed his red, ice cold hands together to warm them up.

"Its nasty out there babe." He stated.

"I can see that." You sighed looking out the window at his already fully snow covered path.

"I'm gonna go take a shower to warm me up. I guess since we're staying in we can make it a movie night if you want to set everything up." He smiled kissing your forehead before making his way down the hallway.

"Sounds like a great plan Mikey." You smiled.

You decided to set all the movie stuff up in your room. Figuring that one of you would probably fall asleep during the first movie, it just made sense to be in your room. Changing into pajamas you got yourself comfy. Popping in a comedy movie you sighed as you laid down on the bed waiting for Michael to finish showering so you could start the movie together. It was nights like this you really enjoyed being with Michael, just the two of you alone without being bothered.

Movie nights were always the best though. There was always lots of cuddling involved. Along with the usual minor sexual favors being exchanged between the two of you. Your hands down each others pants, an occasional blow job, Michael eating you out - stuff like that.

"(Y/N)!" Michael called from the bathroom.

"What?" You whined not wanting to get up.

"I forgot to grab a towel can you please bring me one!"

"Mikey." You groaned.

"Please babe my balls are getting cold." He stated.

"Oh for the love of god." You mumbled. He's such a fucking dork.

Lifting the blanket you swung your feet over the edge of the bed. Moping as you walked to the closet to get him a towel. How is it that someone could forget a towel before getting into the shower. It's like one of the most important things you need for a shower.

"Here." You said as you placed the towel on the counter in the bathroom.

"Thank you." He said.

Peeking his head out from behind the shower curtain. His pale chest glistened from the water droplets that still remained on his skin. Lazily he smiled at you. His normally spiked up crazy hair wet and flat on the top of his head. The paleness of his cheeks and nose returning. Biting your lip you gazed longingly at your boyfriend.

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