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WOW- Getting votes and broke 8.2k by 11pm tonight Love you guys and keep sending in requests through instant message and i will keep it anonymous (if you want me to) can be anything and everything no shame here! Xo~

I groggily rubbed my eyes and rolled over, looking at the time on my . 3am. Who the hell was knocking on my door at 3am. I got up and grabbed the nearest item, in this case it was a xbox remote. I held it up near my face as I opened the door.

"Luke!" I yelled, dropping the xbox remote to the floor as it smashed into pieces. I threw my arms around Luke as he wrapped his arms around me. "I thought you were touring in England! I've missed you so much." I screamed, still wrapped in his arms.

"We had a week off so I thought I'd come home, I just got here like an hour ago and I came right here." He pulled away and smiled at me. At that point I became aware to what I was wearing, well, what I wasn't wearing i only had my fucking loose ass shirt with my nipples peeping through and my boyshorts which were much to small for this occasion ( i am so done - kms).

"Oh, fuck. Awkward." I said, turning around trying to something to cover my almost naked body.

"It's okay (Y/N), you know I've seen it all."

"I know Luke.. But still.. It's awkward." I said, sitting down on the lounge with a pillow covering my body. Luke placed his bags on the ground and closed the door, walking towards me and sitting opposite me on the lounge.

"We need to talk about.. you know.." He softly rested his hand on my knee, looking up at me. "What happened on the night I left." My memory jolted back to that night. Luke had come over a couple hours before his flight to England and we planned xbox and eat food before he would be gone for a couple months, things happened and we ended up sleeping together, and seeing as he had been gone for months, we hadn't had a chance to speak about it yet.

"What's there to say? It was a one time thing, don't think anything of it. We both know it didn't mean anything." It broke my heart to say that, it meant everything to me. Ever since he left I'd been craving his touch, his voice, everything about him. I was in love with Luke.

"(Y/N), look me in the eyes and tell me it didn't mean anything to you." I let my head fall down, looking at my hands playing around in my lap. I felt Luke's hand leave my knee and instead he cupped my chin, softly pulling my head up, before his hand cupped my face, brushing a bit of my fringe behind my ear. "Go on, say it."

"I can't." I got off the lounge and walked towards the kitchen, grabbing a cup from the cupboard. "You know I can't say that." I heard Luke's footsteps come towards the kitchen, standing behind me. I reached my hand forward to turn the tap before I felt Luke's hands wrapped around my body, each hand on my hips. He spun me around, pushing me against the counter.

"Why not, (Y/N). Is it because it's a lie?" I nodded as I felt tears to form in my eyes. He tilted his head and looked at my eyes. "Babe, look at me." I looked up and within seconds Luke's head was leaning in closer to mine, before he rested his forehead on mine. His hands traveled from my hips to my ass, squeezing it tight. "I haven't stopped thinking about you." I smiled, and that's when he kissed me. His thumbs dug in on my hips, sure to leave a mark. I got butterflies in my stomach when I felt his tongue graze my bottom lip, asking for entry. I granted it and I felt his tongue slip into my mouth. I felt his hand travel from my hips and into my underwear. I moaned into the kiss at his touch, the touch that I'd been craving since the day he left. He softly pushed down on my clit with one finger, causing me to moan into the kiss. His lips traveled from my mouth to my jawline, kissing it softly. I titled my head back and he began to kiss my neck, then suck at it, leaving love bites for sure. He pressed a little harder on my clit, rubbing circles around it.

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