Ashton- Anxiety

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Fromm the title i would like to conclude this Ashton Imagine is a bit angsty, upon request. I shall put a cute fluffy Ashton Imagine soon if this isn't your style.

The hard pounding of a fist upon a wooden door echoed through the empty hallways of the apartment building, but you couldn't care less if your aggressive knocking disturbed the neighbors. You were enraged beyond belief and in desperate need of someone to rant to about your dismal day, so the amount of noise you were making was the least of your concerns.

Just as your knuckles started to become sore, the heavy door was pulled open, revealing the confused figure of your best friend. Ashton scrunched his eyebrows together as he pushed the door wider, allowing your entrance without question because despite your mood, it wasn't unusual for you to show up at his place unannounced. You stomped across the threshold, your stiletto heels clacking on the hardwood floors as you tossed your overly full purse on the granite kitchen countertops and began to pace.

"Hello to you too," Ashton said sarcastically as he shut the door and crossed his arms over his chest, "What's wrong?"

"I've just had the worst day in the recorded history of bad days," you began, clenching and unclenching your fists in hopes of relieving the tension pulling every muscle in your body, your nails digging into your palms, "My boss has got to be the biggest asshole on the planet. He treats me like a piece of meat, doesn't take any of my ideas seriously, and thinks I'm just some pretty face he can keep around for his amusement. I swear, if he ogles me one more time I'm going to punch someone."

Ashton jutted out his bottom lip as he raised his hands to adjust the navy beanie currently covering his golden locks. His curly fringe swept across his forehead, his hazel eyes sparkling with sympathy as he responded. "I'm sorry, babe. Do you want me to go beat him up?"

You held in a laugh, feeling instantly happier at the thought of Ashton coming to blows with anyone. Your best friend was many things, but tough enough to participate in a brawl was not one of them. Perhaps the size of his biceps, taut and muscular from years of drumming, could be seen as intimidating, but you also knew Ashton had a heart of gold and the soul of a puppy and would see violence as an absolute last resort.

"It's alright," you replied, shaking your head and slowly unclenching your fists, wincing when you glanced down at your hands to see small crescents embedded into your palms. "I'm just hyped up and I need to relieve all this tension."

"Anything I could do to help?" he asked, shoving his hands in the pocket of his hoodie. The neckline of the gray sweatshirt pulled down, revealing his tanned, toned chest and emphasizing his lack of shirt. He had probably been walking around shirtless because he actually preferred minimal clothing – a preference you never complained about because his body was certainly a sight to behold – but had pulled on the hooded sweatshirt before answering the door to give the appearance of being presentable. His sweatpants hung loosely from his hips, the bottoms almost entirely enveloping his bare feet. As always, Ashton looked like sex.

Poking your tongue between your teeth, you wet your bottom lip as you stared at him pointedly, your gaze slowly scanning up his body as you allowed your smile to widen. Without speaking, you were conveying exactly what you desired: him, in the most primal and physical sense.

Shrugging, he unzipped his hoodie, pulling it off his shoulders and tossing it to the ground to reveal the rest of his tanned torso. "Ok, why not."

Raising your eyebrows in delight, you shrugged off your blazer and tossed it to the side before taking two steps forward and pressing your lips to Ashton's.

To any innocent bystander, your interaction would seem confusing and complex. True, Ashton was your best friend and you knew becoming physically involved with a friend generally put a strain on the relationship, but yours was different.

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