Message: Temporary Hiatus

368 14 7

Hey Hey Lovelies,

So life is being an absolute female dog and is constantly drenching me in the raindrops of misery.

It's not that dramatic.

But I wanted to address that the title of this story (just in case you didn't notice or just in case I change it in the future then this message is completely irrelevant...)...
It's under *ON HOLD* because I have decided to take a temporary hiatus from the world of yu gi oh... On top of my exams and my other fanfiction, Voice in the Dark, I can't conjure up a duel scene that is as detailed as the one from Jesse's first introduction.

I apologise deeply for this,
I love you guys x
Tbank you for your constant support... If you have any requests I'll try my best to bring it justice :)

Much love,

*ON HOLD* Answer To My Heart (Jesse Anderson/ Yu-Gi-Oh GX)Where stories live. Discover now