2: Welcome to Duel Academy

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Jesse, Syrus, Jim and Jaden reunite with Zane and meet a new face. Jesse begins to suspect a hidden past between Jaden and Rhia, but before he could ask what their link was the gang receive a message from Professor Pemberton asking them to go to Chancellor Shepherd's office. A strange feeling of the truth creeping up behind them begins to fill the atmosphere as they near the Chancellor's office. Will secrets be revealed?

Rhia POV.

I felt a surge of heat rush to my cheeks as I heard Jessie's southern accented voice break through the deep barrier of my thoughts

'That's a pretty tune'

'Thank you'

I tried to hide my now-flushed cheeks and a cheesy smile by ducking down my head hoping that he wouldn't notice, I felt a light pat on my shoulders and I couldn't look up knowing that I'd just be teased by Jaden if he saw.

Chancellor Shepherd's office was soon in sight and a sudden feeling ran up my spine.

It just didn't feel right...I stopped in my tracks as my fists automatically clenched for no reason at all. Jaden and the others continued walking but Jesse had turned back.

'Is everythin' alright?'

The heat returned to my cheeks, I nodded in reply as I stared into his blue eyes that gazing at me with concern.

We began to approach the office door along with the others where Chancellor Shepherd sat, back turned.

I stood beside Zane who joyfully nudged me with his elbow and winked playfully.

'Real mature, Truesdale' I quietly bantered, catching a quick flash of a smile at the corner of my eye from Jaden.


A familiar figure spun in his chair to face us, Chancellor Shepherd, his smile beamed as always.

'It's great to have you back, Zane and of course, it's good to see you again, Miss Yuki. Welcome to Duel Academy!'


'Rhia' Shepherd repeated and nodded as Jesse, Jim and Syrus exchanged confused looks as they heard my last name.

'Jaden?' Syrus asked in awe, I didn't know who to look at first; Jesse or Jaden.

I felt Jesse's deep blue eyes watch me, his scrutiny made me nervous. Jaden, on the other hand, wanted me to announce what he wanted me to say...but instead,

'She's my sister,'

'I thought that there was something about her that reminded me of you,' answered a voice, it was a young female voice.

A blonde haired obelisk girl stood at the door. She must be Alexis Rhodes...
I contemplated as she confronted me, offering a hand

'Alexis Rhodes' she introduced herself in a bubbly yet sophisticated way, she was confident and mature.

'You must be the famous Rhiona Yuki then?'

'More like infamous, but yeah'

Jesse POV.

She's Jaden's...sister?

'More like infamous, but yeah'
she mumbled under her breath, she spoke so daintily that it could've been a whisper.

She wasn't as confident with her voice as Jaden was, but even still, she's...different.

I know, that's a cliché thing to say but there's just something about her that I've never seen in a girl before.

Was it her eyes? Or was it her smile? Her delicate smile. I blushed at the thought and looked down to Ruby who had snaked herself around my leg, I heard a slight giggle from her as she saw the red that spread across my face.

'Anyway, enough about this.' Rhia rushed in a slightly louder voice,

'What was the announcement and task you wanted to see us for, Chancellor?'

'Well, the announcement was your arrival... and the task was for you and one of these students to duel at the opening event for the annual Duel Spirit Day Tournament'



'Why not Zane, he is the highlight of the visit'

'That isn't necessarily true, Rhia. We are all glad to have you here too and besides, all who participate in the Duel Spirit Day Tournament must be students at the school...'

'That means...' Jaden started, 'Your going to be a student here?'

I looked over to Rhia who nodded with a half-smile across her mouth, a strand of hair fell from her ear revealing a small scar at her jawline.

Her eyes closed slightly as Jaden went to embrace her,

'I've missed you' he whispered into her ear.

Why didn't Jaden tell us he had a sister?

Rhia POV.

'I see we have the two Yuki's...' Crowler sighed as he arrived at the office a few moments, splitting our reunion.

I saw Jaden scowl at his entrance and yet I wondered why...

'Miss Yuki, If you cause any shenanigans or stunts at this school like your brother you will-'

'Now, now Crowler... Rhia hasn't even started yet' And with that Crowler halted.

'Trust me, Dr Crowler, Rhia is more behaved than Jaden ever will be' Zane joked, generating a laugh from everyone.

Except Crowler- of course- who remained defeated.

'Now we have everyone here, Rhia who would you like to duel for the opening ceremony of the Duel Spirit Day Tournament?'

I looked at everyone in the room,
'Chancellor, I hardly know anyone let alone their duelling type...'

'I think Rhia and Jaden should have a duel, see which sibling is stronger than the other...' Alexis suggested

'Well, we all know who'll win' I teased as a small laugh escaped my mouth, Jaden sniggered too

'I think I'll need more of a challenge'

'We really are related,' Jaden added

'How about you, Jesse' Jim asked

Jesse had his head turned away from us but was clicking back to reality,

He was so quiet which was unexpected of the owner of the Crystal Beats.

There was a short silence.

I noticed a purple duel spirit at Jesse's feet, That must be Ruby Carbuncle, Ruby smiled at me. Then Jesse spoke,

'Um, Sure. I'd love a good duel'

That sounded like Jesse Anderson.

'Alright then, challenge accepted.' I approved as the blue haired boy beamed in excitement.
This is going to be...interesting....

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