3: Duel Spirits

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Rhia POV.

It's been really busy lately, I mean, we just arrived here yesterday and next thing you know there's a tournament the next day... Great. And we need costumes. Even Better. A faint knock sounded at my door...

'Come in,'

'Morning, Rhia'

'Morning, Zane. What can I do for you?'

'Well today's the Duel Spirit Day tournament, right?' I nodded

'Well, I packed a costume for you just in case'

Zane handed me a neatly wrapped box with a black ribbon sealing it, I thanked him and un-wrapped it.

Inside was a long, emerald green dress with white tusk-like shoulder pieces.

I looked up at Zane in confusion when he handed me the matching masquerade mask.

'I hear this year's going to be interesting with the costume choices, so I thought that this would be a great opportunity to see you as the mystical elf' he gave me a ridiculing smile as he backed away to the door.

'Now, get changed. I'll be outside helping the others prepare, If you need anything just call'

'I know the drill'

With that Zane left, it was good to see him healthy and well again.

The state I saw him in was heart breaking; he was a childhood friend of mine and I clearly remember the days when Chancellor Shepherd taught us the basics of duelling, back at the monastery where I always used to play the wrong monster and Zane would just 'accidentally' let me win.

Underneath the stubbornness is a heart of gold.

When I heard that he was rushed to the hospital I had to visit him; before that I played at tournaments to earn money, and instead of using it to go to Duel Academy...I paid for Zane's operation bills.

In return he took me to Duel academy to see Jaden with no payment whatsoever.

I smiled at the memory and began to change into the elven costume, the mask fitted quite well.

Trust Zane to get you a costume without telling him your size.

The sun was luminous and the heat was balmy; I locked the boat door and set off for the school building, duels were already in progress on the grass beside the entrance and many students were in duel monster costumes.

I felt a presence beside me, it was Blackwing Percival, my small black panther-like guardian.

His notable black wings were relaxed on his back as he walked, Percival was my duel spirit guardian who always watched over me.

I opened the entrance door to the building as Percival walked in first; we made our way to The Arena where an Elemental hero Avian greeted us.

Typical Jaden.

'Hey, Rhia'

'Hey Ja-wait, how did you know it was me?'

'Your wearing mum's necklace'

'Oh,' I realised and reached to unclasp it when Jaden stopped me

'Keep it on, it looks good on you'

'Thanks, Jay'

He showed me around the arena; where each dorm sat, where the exits were... It was a big arena, I must say.

Suddenly, a figure carrying large boxed bumped into me and fell backwards.

'I am so sorry-... Jesse?'

*ON HOLD* Answer To My Heart (Jesse Anderson/ Yu-Gi-Oh GX)Where stories live. Discover now