5: -To Remember

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Sorry I've been away for a while, It's a very busy Christmas... Which by the way... MERY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR to you beautifully amazing people!
So in the spirit of Christmas, here are the long awaited chapters that I have edited!

P.s. 'Answer to My Heart' was a fanfic that I originally wrote on Fanfiction.net but then I forgot about it until I looked into my writing folder and saw it so I though I should finish it.... Yup. So here it is on Wattpad. :) on with Le story....

Rhia POV.

It was Jesse's draw, we both stared at the blank field beyond him. I smiled triumphantly but a wave of curiosity washed over his face; his eyes shining with a surprisingly attractive determination.

He sets a card and then simply ends the turn, then it was my turn to feel the wash of inquisitiveness engulf me... What's he up to?

'My turn!' I exclaimed as I pulled a card from my deck, I took a glance at Jaden who's smirk remained planted on his face

'I place my Blackwing Sirocco in defence mode' I checked my hand

'And I activate Forced Activation. This card lets me force my opponent to activate any face downs they have on their field'

This allowed Jesse to activate Mirror Force destroying Effect Veiler and Gorz, a surprised gasp escaped my lips as Gorz and Effect Veiler groaned in pain. This was tough...This damaged me by Gorz' original attack point total, 2700. Luckily Effect Veiler had no attack points or defence points...

'I'll set a face down and end my turn'

'I draw,' Jesse smiled, 'I summon Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle! Come on out!'

A piercing CAW! rang out from the celing where a bold eagle emerged, he swooped down with it's chin up so that the Colbalt Gem reflected light onto the walls of the arena. He was Magnificent.

'I activate Crystal release, this give my Cobalt 800 attack points boostin' his attack points to 2300' an uneasy twitch came from my fingers...

'Now, Cobalt attack Blackwing Sirocco with Colbalt Wing!'

Think fast, Rhia! I yelled in my mind...

'I activate Block Attack' I yelled unexpectedly, a shocked face came over Jesse.

I watched Cobalt changes to his Defence position, I felt Jaden's eyes staring heavily at me. I looked up at him and a proud smirk still visible on his face. Jesse sets a card and then ended his turn while I smiled back at Jaden and Zane who threw a thumbs up at me.

It was my turn again, I drew and...

'I discard Blackwing Sirocco'

and when I had said discard all I heard was




Quietly from the people to my left and right. Unwanted attention, nice.
(Rhia: Even though I'm in a head to head duel with Jesse Anderson, I'm only noticing the attention now? Why'd you make me so thick?)

'But discarding Blackwing Sirocco, and summoning a new monster I have to give 1000 life points...'

'Summoning a new monster' Jesse repeated...

'...yes, and Summons my Blackwing Percival' (at 3000 Attack points)

My guardian finally came out, his dark wings fanned out behind him and a sharp growl came from his sharp tusked mouth. Jesse rubbed the back of his head and I sensed the fierce eyed panther had softened his eyes to Jesse as he reacted with a smile.

*ON HOLD* Answer To My Heart (Jesse Anderson/ Yu-Gi-Oh GX)Where stories live. Discover now