9: History

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Jesse POV.

Friday came and Rhia and I had only met at Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

After classes ended I decided to go to the river, hoping to get some peace and quiet. Maybe to see Rhia again after a week of school...

The evergreen trees of the forest swayed gently in the breeze as Ruby and I strolled through, as we neared a small figure sat by the river. The person I expected to see...

'Rhia!' I exclaimed

She turned to face me, her eyes delighted and her smile was wide.

'Hey Jesse!'

'How have you been?'

'Busy. I'm exhausted, I can barely move'

'It's always like that when you start Duel Academy,'
I shared my story of the Overseas Championships which seemed to fascinate Rhia who listened intently.

She laughed when I finished and I looked at her confusingly

'That was one hell of an adventure' she laughed again, I smiled at how cute she looked when she laughed.

Long moments went by and we continued to tell each other stories from our past.

'I didn't know what to do after that,' I finished

'I know how it feels'

'You do?'

Rhia hesitated again and looked down as if she were talking to a conscience. This is the first time she and I had spoken to each other for a long amount of time...

'When I was born, my mother died. I grew up with Jaden. We barely saw our father because he had to work in order for us to live...Jaden took care of me, but when he pursued a love for duelling he took me into it with him, we duelled everyday. It was the only thing he and I did'

She smiled softly as she looked into the water...

'Then Duel Academy came and Jaden planned for us to go together; at the time, our father's business was failing and he had to leave to fix it abroad so we had to leave for duel academy...but...'

Her voice trailed off and she drew a short breath before speaking again. Regret and Hurt filled her eyes, they were no longer calm and tranquil...

'I fell ill a few days before the entrance exams and with our father abroad,' her eyes shadowed...

'Jaden thought of walking away from his dream and decided to stay with me at the hospital but he did so much for me. I didn't want to be the one to hold him back.'

I didn't know what to say, she trusted me with a story so difficult for her to say.

Her brown eyes continued to scan the scenery beyond the calm river.

'The thing about Jaden, is that he knows when your lying and knows when you're not alright even though you say you are... But I didn't want him to stop reaching for what he wanted to be, I couldn't do that. And I didn't. I told him I was at the entrance exams already and he went there not knowing that I lied to him. I had to convince the nurses to call him and tell him that I was hospitalise and that I told him to go.'

Her eyes were shut and her breath became a little heavy, Percival and Ruby had appeared behind us; Ruby hopped onto my shoulder whilst Percival rubbed his head along Rhia's arm.

Percival shook his head slightly in shock.

'Hey, Rhia... Don't cry' I whispered carefully moving her chin to face me, tear streaming down her face. I rummaged into my pocket for a handkerchief and wiped her eyes, she smiled then caressed Percival's fur.

'Sorry, Jesse'

'For what? You've got nothin' to apologise for...'

To this she giggled, sniffling, as she took a few breaths before lying back onto the green grass.

I saw her shake her head at the panther who communicated with her through thought...

'I hate you Percival' she joked, stroking his fur again...


She looked at the black panther and gestured to me

'Rhia doesn't talk much...' Percival announced

'It doesn't seem that way anymore' I laughed.

Rhia crossed her arms, annoyed. A childish smile at her lips.

'You're the first person she's ever told about this'


The first person she's ever told?

'Yeah,' she closed her eyes

'When Rhia arrived at Duel Academy with Zane, we made a pact that Rhia would make at least one friend...Then that's where you came in. Jaden said he trusted you and Rhia trusted you too. And besides...I think Rhia has a thing for y-'

'Alright! Go swim, Percival!' Rhia shot up almost immediately and pushed the panther into the river, his head bobbing up afterwards.

'You've said enough' she glared playfully at him, Percival laughed, his wings splashing water over to Rhia. She blushed.

'What were you going to say, Percival?' I teased, leaning in as if I were whispering to Percival out loud.

'Jesse...' she playfully hit my arm.

'Ruby?' Percival raised an eyebrow and Ruby leaped into the water, splashing.

'You're a real bully, Percival...' Rhia laughed, her laugh was mesmerizing...

'I'm just doing my job,'

'Well, your job sucks!' she called out, happily.

'Hey, don't criticize a panther's job, Rhia! You're the bully here'

'Oh so your taking his side, Jesse?!' She jokingly argued back, splashing water in my face.

'You wanna to go there?' I moved forward, my hand in the water at the ready...

'Game on!' she exclaimed, an ecstatic smile on her face.

I splashed a large amount of water at Rhia and decided to push her in, but she clung onto my arms and dragged me in with her. We both came up to breath, she held onto my shoulders.

'Jesse, I can't swim'

'Oh,' I held onto her waist, 'Sorry, You should have told me'

She moved her hands up to my head and pushed me down.

The little...

'Got'cha' She smirked, deviously...

'You...' I let go of her and she fell, small bubbles formed at the surface...

'Rhia, are you okay?!' I instantly pulled her back up, she coughed gently.

'I actually can't swim, Jesse' she looked away, embarrassed.

To this, I laughed and moved a strand of hair from her face so I could look into her eyes... Little did we know that we began to lean in...

*ON HOLD* Answer To My Heart (Jesse Anderson/ Yu-Gi-Oh GX)Where stories live. Discover now