13: The Blank Card

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Jesse POV.

'Jesse!' Lina shouted, the other dark duelists holding her back.

Long moments passed

I could barely stand, clutching my arm in pain and sweat beading at my temples.

Lina attempted to let loose from the harsh grips of the dark duellists behind him as Rhia remained motionless beside the dark duellist.

And from the looks of things, this wasn't going to end well. But I shouldn't give up or back down now, not for Rhia.

'What's wrong? Can't take the dark?' The man shouted, a devilish grin curling at his lips once more

'It's YOUR turn, Pretty boy! Make your move!'

To this I tightened my clenched fist in anger. I got ready to draw but when I looked over to a light that shone below him..Rhia was holding a blank card.

'Rhia!' Lina yelled, struggling to leave the duelist's grip.

'Oo, What's this Princess?' Something about his smile stung me with an idea that he had been waiting for this to happen.

I watched Rhia as she coughed whilst standing up, legs shaking, arm bruised and her voice trembling...

'I activate Substitution, it allows me to switch places with a duelist on the field...' Rhia's eyes looked directly at me, her voice weak.

'Rhia...' I muttered as I was tugged back beside Lina by the dark duelists.

Rhia then took my place...

I fought with myself. But what could I do?

This was a duel I couldn't win, not without knowing what's actually happening.

'You know the rules of the game, Princess... You take his place, You take his damage'

Lina clung onto my arm and buried her head on my shoulder as Rhia winced in pain as the dark duelists' monster attacked her directly...

She looked back at us and smiled in reassurance. There was a hidden message behind her smile.

A message I couldn't understand.

Her eyes locked onto mine for a moment before she turned back to her opponent.

'Oh, and I forgot to mention, Princess. Because you're an "almost" dark duelist, you don't take any consequences-'

'What?!' Rhia yelled with her half-soundless voice, she breathed heavily.

'You're blue haired friend started the game, and he is the one who'll take the damage...' The man explained.

'What!?' Lina yelled...

'Rhia,' I thought in my head

'Then I'll have to finish you' Rhia clenched her fists and looked back at me, before coughing violently again.

'Oh, What's wrong, Princess?' The dark duelist said sarcastically, 'Not feeling well?'

He smiled, as if he were making Rhia act this way. His eyes widened and his head tilted, almost snake like.

'Stop...Please...' Rhia whispered, her knees shaking and eventually falling to the ground.

'Rhia!' Lina and I exclaimed, tight grips at our elbows.

'Can't duel anymore, Princess?'

'Stop!' I yelled, I looked over to Rhia who's head was bowed and was still coughing harshly.

I wanted to run over and make it stop but the dark duelists behind me had a painful grip...A dark chuckle was heard from Rhia's opponent.

He was laughing at her pain.

'You wouldn't want to lose your friend now do you, Rhiona...'

The man glared at me, before looking back at Rhia in surprise. Rhia had slowly stood.

*ON HOLD* Answer To My Heart (Jesse Anderson/ Yu-Gi-Oh GX)Where stories live. Discover now