16: Let go

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'How do you feel about Rhia?'


'Yeah,' Syrus gave me a worried look, 'Jaden's sister?'

'Jaden has a sister?'

'Jesse, I'm being serious' Syrus was taken aback, he looked really shocked.

'I'm not joking around, Sy... Who's Rhia?'


Syrus POV.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I quickly excused myself and ran. I didn't know where. Somewhere. Anywhere.

So Jesse doesn't remember Rhia? I have to find Jaden. 

I ran to the Slifer dorm to see four familiar figures.


'Sy, What's wrong?'

Jaden asked as he, Zane, Alexis and Lina faced me with concern.

My knees bent as I huffed breathlessly. 

Never. Running. Again.

'Jesse...Doesn't...r-...remember...Rhia...' I said through many breaths in between, Lina's hand fell on my shoulder as I spoke.

'We know, Sy' Alexis started, 'But we just need to talk to Rhia-'

'Talk to Rhia about what?'

Zane POV.

'Talk to Rhia about what?' Rhia stood a few steps away from us...

'Rhia...um...' I said as she approached us, arms folded and suspicion flashed across her eyes.


'It's about Jesse'

'I know, I heard everything from that tree' Rhia pointed to an Oak tree behind her

'But you hate climbing...'

'I said I hated heights, not climbing' she answered

'How does that work?' Jaden question, absentmindedly.

'Look, you guys need to stay out of this.'

'Rhia, this isn't good' Lina said, her eyes looking down at her feet and pain in her voice.

'Please, Rhia. If you don't do it, I won't ever talk to you again' Lina looked up and teasingly grinned with a sneaky smirk.

I, then, felt Jaden tense up beside me.

'Lina, leave the poor girl alone' Jesse laughed.

'Jesse, How long have you been standing there?' Lina asked.

Rhia gave me a look of hurt before looking straight ahead and walking past Jaden, who stuck out his arm out in front of her as he whispered her name into her ear. Rhia exhaled. Her eyes were closed.

'Long enough,' Jesse looked towards Rhia who's back was turned to him.

'Who's this?'

*ON HOLD* Answer To My Heart (Jesse Anderson/ Yu-Gi-Oh GX)Where stories live. Discover now