15:Who is she?

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Rhia's POV.

'Who is this?'

I felt my heart twist and bleed. Why am I feeling like this?

I forced a laugh, 'That's funny, Jesse... Lina, I'm going to bed, it's late'

Faking a smile, I walked away without turning back. The night's air quickly grew cold as my heart pained my chest with harsh, heart-broken thumps.

What just happened?

The Next Day

Another day. I thought to myself as my eyelids fought to stay closed, I saw bright red behind them from the sunlight that shone through the curtains.

Moments after, I sat up and stretched. Feeling eased. I noticed a moving figure at the mirror opposite my bed...

'Morning Rhia,' Lina turned around, hairbrush in her hand and a bright smile on her face.

'Morning Lina, what time did you get back?' I asked as I stood up.

'A few minutes after you left,'

I took the rubber band at my wrist and tied my hair up unconsciously, moving to the wardrobe to change into my Slifer Red uniform.

That was when Lina spoke up, 'Can I ask you something?'

Fear rose quickly.

'Shoot' I whispered as I began to remove my Pajama top and slid on the slifer jacket over my black tank top.

'What was Jesse's consequence?'

My body froze. My back was turned to Lina so she couldn't see my eyes closing in pain...


'What's wrong, Princess?' The dark duelist asked, a sinister smile crept up on his lips.

'What kind of question is that?'

I was still kneeling on the floor, my hair waterfall-ing shadowing my face.

I just lost the duel. I felt a wave of guilt. Defeat. Anger.

'Aw, I know what'll make you feel better...' I wish I lost my hearing at this point. Then I heard the words I wish I hadn't.

'Choosing a consequence for your lover boy'

'Choosing?' My head flicked up

'I thought I'd be generous and decided to let you decide'

'Why don't you just give me the damage instead?'

'I simply can't do that, Princess... You know the rules'

I stayed silent.

'Fine, you either make your friend forget everything or make him forget you,'

My heart shattered. Even in a way I though it couldn't,'What...'

The dark duelist raised his palm and an hourglass appeared in the air, a small amount of sand within it. Purple light reflected from it.

'Time's running out, my dear. If you don't choose now, I'll have to get that precious older brother of yours involved too'

*ON HOLD* Answer To My Heart (Jesse Anderson/ Yu-Gi-Oh GX)Where stories live. Discover now