Author's Note

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Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you all to Surviving, the long awaited (yeah, long being less than a day) sequel to Breathing! As the word sequel suggests: if you haven't read Breathing then this might be quite confusing on its own!

With that said, let's discuss the basic, usual stuff. 

Regarding updates, I'll kindly ask readers not to demand them and to please be patient with me. I'm the type of writer who always publishes chapters as soon as they're written (as those who were following the ending of Breathing while it was being published surely know very well by now). So if there aren't any new chapters, that means nothing's been written. Of course, frequency depends on inspiration, and I'll admit there will be times when for a few weeks nothing is happening. I hope you'll bear with me and stick with the story, because I promise, I have a lot planned for you hehehe.

While Breathing followed the events of The Vampire Diaries, Surviving will primarily focus on the storyline from The Originals, starting with season one and going on... Well, I can't tell you that. That's not to say there won't be moments where we don't visit the TVD story for a short second or two. 

And those moments will be hell for me, because let me tell you, these two shows have such a messed up timeline when you look at them side by side. This is most obvious when you go to the timeline page on the TVD Wiki and find out that Hayley and Klaus sleep together in late March of 2011 and Hope is born in the beginning of May of 2012... THIRTEEN MONTH LONG PREGNANCY! That really was some weird miracle baby, huh? (Or the timeline of the shows makes it seem like the second episode of The Originals happens four months after its Pilot, which is impossible).

But, I promise, I'll find a way to do everything I want to and more.

And now that, I think, I've said all I have to, I shall release you to go on and catch up with Emma! I hope you all enjoy it.

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