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After helping Davina pack away some more of her belongings, Emma found herself lying on the bed while Davina organized her art supplies. She could feel the lack of sleep from the previous night starting to have its effect, but she didn't let it deter her from keeping a watchful eye on Elijah.

She was ready for any kind of slip up that would let her know it was time to erase any memory the Mikaelson had of Davina and their conversation. But instead, all Emma kept seeing was sympathy towards the young witch and disgust prompted by the discovery of how she'd been treated.

All that time during their conversation, and the current short silence which spread over them, Elijah had been tinkering with the violin, putting all of it's parts back in place and retying the string until it was in perfect shape once again. Standing from his chair, the vampire stepped up to Davina, holding the instrument out to her.

"You may return this now to its rightful owner. It's restored." He announced, watching as Davina gently took it into her own hands, a sad look coming over her face.

"I don't even know if I'll see him again." She spoke, her voice quiet and dejected as she thought about her friend. Emma was about to reassure her, remind her of the plan that would allow her to do so in just a little bit of time. But before she could, Davina's emotions started to play on her magic and it wasn't long before the entire room began to shake.

The Claire quickly turned to Emma, extending her hands to the woman now rising from the bed so she could come closer. "Make it stop, please." She pleaded.

"You can do it yourself, I know you can." Emma said reassuringly, the exchange revealing yet another reason why Marcel continued to allow Emma to know of Davina and her whereabouts.

With Davina's excess of power and lack of control, Emma's siphoning abilities were a useful tool to have at hand. But it was still a crutch, not a permanent solution and not one that could resolve every issue. It was why she wanted Davina to learn how to control her outbursts on her own. But it wasn't something that could be done in the blink of an eye, the continuous shaking making Elijah glance around in concern until finally, the window shutters burst open, the shaking coming to a stop as if all the energy had suddenly flown out.

As the room and their surroundings calmed, Emma gave Davina's hand a gentle squeeze, proud of her for managing it on her own. It was a small step, but it was one nonetheless. One that gave Elijah a better idea on what to do next.

"Davina, this power that you contain, drawn from your fallen friends—- it's too much for you. You need control, which requires study and practice." He started to put his offer forward, but never got to continue as she interrupted him.

"No! I tried that before, it didn't end well." The panic was back on her face, brought on by the simple thought of practising again and possibly hurting someone again.

"D, the lack of control could result in the same thing. Maybe worse." Emma pointed out, knowing that it was the last thing Davina wanted and a very likely possibility the longer this continued.

"My mother was a very powerful witch." Elijah's words tied in to Emma's. "She left behind her grimoires, a legacy of books filled with spells. These books contain all of the tools that you might need to control your magic."

Emma knew Elijah was telling the truth about the spellbooks and grimoires themselves. Kol had once told her that if she wanted they could take them away from Klaus so she could use them instead. However, she also knew that in his paranoia, the hybrid also kept a good watch on who had access to them, so she wasn't sure where Elijah was trying to go with this. Although, if anyone could gain access to them, it would be him.

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