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"There is still time to rip her throat out and forget this foolish mistake, brother." Emma couldn't help but roll her eyes at Klaus' petulant child act. He continuously reminded Elijah of the fact that there was still time to get rid of her from the moment the older Mikaelson announced Emma was coming with them once they left the Abattoir.

And yet, Emma somehow knew he was full of it. Klaus wasn't the type to remind someone of something he wanted to be done. If he really wanted her dead and didn't trust her, or didn't even want to entertain the idea of her joining their side fully, she'd be dead already. Klaus didn't need to ask his big brother's permission when he wants to kill someone, after all.

That, of course, didn't mean Elijah wouldn't announce his displeasure at the suggestion either way. "There will be no killing tonight, Niklaus." From the tone of his voice, it was clear that he was growing somewhat tired of Klaus' grievances.

"But you can always try, Nik." Emma didn't let them get to her though. She spoke freely, head turning to the Hybrid with a teasing smirk on her face. "I'd love to knock down that ego of yours. Haven't had a chance in a while." That certainly earned her one of his signature glares. How she'd missed that glare.

"Children, behave." Elijah warned, the roll of his eyes making it clear he'd rip both their throats out if they didn't listen. If that were the goal, however, perhaps Elijah shouldn't have chosen to title them children. It only prompted Emma to silently stick her tongue out at Klaus as if she were actually a squabbling five-year-old.

The man rolled his eyes at her, obviously wanting to respond with a much harsher act but restraining himself as the trio turned down one of the backroads. There were no houses on it but one, all the way down at the end. Large and grand, just as Emma expected, and lit up with dozens of lights.

"Well, this sure doesn't look like the Palace Royale." Emma had certainly doubted Klaus was being honest about where he and Rebekah were staying for a while now, but this only confirmed it. Although, maybe confirmation already came once she realized wherever Elijah and Klaus were leading her was outside of the French Quarter.

Klaus didn't respond to her, letting out a displeased huff instead as he climbed up the front steps of the large home. He could no longer plead with Elijah to kill her and move on as his hand reached for the door, pushing it open and being the first to step inside. Elijah followed closely behind him while Emma, unsure of what to expect, hung back for a few moments.

She watched from the door as the Mikaelson siblings reunited inside, Rebekah happily hugging her brother. The blonde remained oblivious to Emma's presence as she focused on Elijah in relief. And it gave Emma a chance to take in everything that was going on. Including an unfamiliar face which hung back behind Elijah before walking away. Emma didn't recognize the girl, but as Elijah quickly detached from his sister to follow after her, it wasn't hard to guess there was definitely a story there. Perhaps the one Elijah was so hesitant to tell her earlier in the night.

As Elijah and the unknown woman disappeared from the room, Klaus finally spoke again before Rebekah had another chance to turn on him. "Well, we all know you don't have to be invited inside, so why don't you stop hiding in the shadows like a lurker?" He questioned tauntingly, Rebekah's wide eyes turning to the door as she finally realized there was someone else with her brothers.

"Such flattery. Such a gentleman." Emma quipped sarcastically, shaking her head in mock disapproval at Klaus. But she did as he said nonetheless, passing through the door of the house, showing no signs of hesitation or fear as she started to take in its interior curiously.

"What are you doing here?" Rebekah questioned in surprise, unsure of what to do about the situation. Her own trust in Emma had somewhat dwindled after she discovered the witch knew all about Elijah and Davina.

"Well, as Elijah would put it 'Emma's here with him'." Klaus shared ominously, trying to give a very bad impression of Elijah when he'd said the same thing at the Abattoir. Just like Rebekah, he wasn't quite sure what it meant just yet. And that was perhaps the part he liked the least about all of this.

"Oh, what's wrong Nik. Jealous Elijah could do what you couldn't and get me back on your side?" Emma turned back to look at him, her eyes flying past Rebekah without a second thought. Emma could feel Rebekah's eyes on her, just as she did the last time the two shared a space together but didn't acknowledge it this time either. Instead, she smiled at Klaus who was glaring at her again up until all three were distracted by the sound of footsteps returning to the room.

Emma didn't focus on Elijah, but the woman next to him. The moment she got close enough, the siphoner could feel the magic drifting off form her. Emma was quite curious about it and about who the brunette even was. But she didn't voice all the questions on her mind and let Elijah make the introductions instead.

"Emma I'd like for you to meet Hayley Marshall." Elijah spoke, and for a moment Emma tried to remember where she recognized the name from. It was one of Matt's catching up stories. Something about Tyler and Caroline and Hayley and a whole mess that actually sounded like the most normal thing in their lives. "Hayley, Emma Park."

Elijah's use of her old name had Emma's eyes finally turning back to him as she spoke. "Actually, you've missed a name change. It's Broussard now." She pointed out. "I've gone back to the original." She joked, pun fully intended.

"Broussard?" It was Hayley who questioned it first, the Mikaelsons in the room not only aware of the fact that it was in fact the name she was born with, but also its history. "As in the witches?"

And Hayley seemed to be as well to a certain extent. "Well, someone's been reading up on their New Orleans history." Emma said with an approving tone, a small smile coming over her face as she extended her hand to the woman. "It's a pleasure to meet you Hayley Marshall."

She didn't miss the way in which Hayley hesitated, eyes glancing to Elijah for a moment to see how he'd react. Witches obviously didn't sit well with the woman standing in front of her, but Hayley's trust in Elijah had to be strong since, after a few more moments, she finally accepted Emma's outstretched hand and took it within her own.

And when she did, it all finally made sense. Well... It didn't make sense. Not one bit. But Emma could finally understand why she could feel so much magic surrounding Hayley and where it was coming from. The surprise it cased had Emma letting go of the werewolf's hand instantly, eyes widening in shock. She looked between all three Mikaelsons who were watching the scene unfold with their own curiosity, none quite sure what was happening.

Emma was the first to actually speak again. "Well, I'm gonna need alcohol to get through this explanation."

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