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Emma didn't have many plans on her goals for the duration of the charity event Marcel was throwing. But there was one primary thing she was focusing on the most; avoiding the damn snakes. And that was why she found herself standing by one of the tables in the centre of the room, as far away from the dancers holding them as possible.

Luckily, she had a familiar face keeping her company. Doctor Sebastian Vargas was quite the celebrity of the evening; many people often coming up to say hello and question him on the rumours of his upcoming promotion to head of the biggest hospital in the city. Where he was already the chief of the pulmonary department.

"Doctor Vargas, we're at a party, and I am offering my services to be a respite from all the hospital talk. So stop ask me how I'm feeling." And Emma was one of his 'favourite patients' according to him. Although, that was coming back with a bite at the moment.

Her words made the older man chuckle in amusement. "I apologize. Sometimes it's difficult to turn off the doctor brain."

Emma was ready to proclaim she could find it in her heart to forgive him, but never got the chance to as a third voice jumped into their conversation. At first, she thought it to be just another random event goer, however, the accented voice soon proved her suspicions to be wrong.

"I must say, you look exquisite tonight, love." With an amused roll of her eyes, Emma turned to her left, watching as Klaus Mikaelson stepped up to their table, eyes focused on Dr Vargas. "Who's your friend?"

"Klaus, meet Dr Sebastian Vargas, one of NOLA's best. Dr Vargas, meet Klaus Mikaelson." Emma politely made the introductions, her eyes sending Klaus a pointed look that said 'don't antagonise this one, please'. Luckily, only polite smiles seemed to pass between the two before Klaus spoke again.

"Well, Doctor, I hope you won't mind if I steal her away for a moment?" Klaus announced, his hand already on Emma's back, ready to lead her away as the question, when asked by him, didn't really require a response.

And Dr Vargas didn't give it to Klaus, but to Emma instead. "This is why I keep asking you the questions I do." The pointed look which paired his words made Emma let out a small laugh as she bid him farewell, letting Klaus lead her away and towards two familiar blondes.

Both took Emma by surprise. Cami because she wasn't expecting to see her there. And while the same could not be expected for Rebekah, seeing her there did still give Emma a bit of a jolt. One that made her question whether she was ready to face the Mikaelson sister just yet. Alas, she had no time to back out as Klaus announced their approach.

"He's the brother, actually, and my sister is right. You do look stunning." Whatever Klaus had overheard during their approach, Emma wasn't in the loop, but then again, she doubted she needed to be for this bit.

"You look beautiful, Cami." Emma gave the blonde another compliment, and unlike many she'd given out that night, this one wasn't fake.

"You clean up pretty well yourself." The O'Connell smiled at the two in a friendly manner.

"Well, don't be fooled, love. I'm the devil in disguise." Klaus smirked smugly, the accuracy of the statement making it impossible for Emma not to laugh. It was also hard not to notice that it was the laugh that finally did the trick in making Rebekah stop staring at her, something Emma hadn't openly acknowledged.

"You three chit-chat. I need booze." Rebekah announced sourly, giving them no chance to say anything before she started walking off. Not that anyone minded too much.

"Shall we?" Klaus asked, offering each woman one of his arms and letting them take hold before he started to walk in the direction of one of the empty tables.

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