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Emma found herself standing in front of one of the doors in the Abattoir. A door that had been locked from the first moment she'd stepped foot into the building. And until now, she'd never been able to open it. But unlike all the times before, where she'd stood in front of it and thought of using a simple spell to unlock it, this time she had a key. The only question was whether she'd back out as she did all the other times she'd tried.

While one hand continued to hold onto the key Klaus had given her the day before, with the other, Emma reached up and took hold of the ring hanging off of her necklace, twisting it around her finger as she'd begun doing whenever she felt nervous about something. She wasn't sure what she'd find inside of the room, and she didn't know if she wanted to find out just yet.

"What are you doing?" The confused voice of Marcel had the brunette snapping out of her thoughts, eyes looking over to the side to find him approaching her through the halls with questioning eyes. "You know there's a lot of dangerous stuff locked up in there. It could be dangerous just playing around with it." He added on in warning once he noticed the key in her hand, wondering what kind of game Klaus was playing this time if he'd given it to her.

"A good chunk of magic in this city is built on the base of dark objects," Emma started to explain one of the minor reasons behind her interest in the room's contents. "I think it's time I start understanding more about them if I want to be useful the next time they're a tool to cause havoc." That was the part that made her hesitant to go in, knowing that it wasn't something she should have been doing on her own, but rather with Kol there to guide her.

"It's not just dark objects, okay? It's a whole lot of bad mojo created by a psycho." Marcel added more detail, his choice of words making Emma give out a small laugh of amusement. It had been a while since she'd heard someone refer to Kol by one of his colourful titles.

"Don't worry, this particular psycho doesn't really scare me." Emma said, making Marcel's brows furrow in confusion as he noted the tone of her voice when she spoke, recognizing something almost... wistful about it. But before he could ask more or try to get to the bottom of it, Emma's attention shifting to something below them and making her sigh in exasperation quickly made it clear their conversation was over for the time being. "Now, if you'll excuse me, babysitter duties are calling."

Walking past him without another word, the Broussard witch kept her eyes on the werewolf trying to subtly move towards the exit of the compound, shifty eyes taking in her surroundings and missing not only Emma following her but also Diego catching on to the suspicious behaviour and starting to follow her as well, ready to intercept her in her path.

And while from his position, he'd reached Hayley sooner than Emma managed to in the hall right by the exit, the witch soon learned she didn't have to worry as she rounded a corner, following the sound of his voice only to come upon the scene of his body dropping to the floor as a loud crack resonated through the air.

"Well, that was a perfectly timed rescue if I might say so myself." Emma noted as she took in the sight, raising an eyebrow in Elijah's direction. As far as subtlety went, a momentarily dead vampire right out in the open wasn't too convenient for their stealthy plans.

"Elijah, you shouldn't be here." Hayley tried to warn. "Klaus has his guys watching me."

The vampire himself, however, seemed entirely unbothered by the thought as he shrugged his shoulders. "I wouldn't worry about them." He said calmly, only adding to the theatrics which came moments later as Rebekah appeared out of nowhere, kicking down two vampires who'd tried to sneak up to them and spy.

"Come, we mustn't linger." The Mikaelson motioned for Hayley to follow him, already turning to the exit as he spoke. "We'll get you some place safe."

"No, you don't have to worry about me. I'm fine." Hayley reassured them both without moving or following, forcing both Mikaelsons to stop themselves. "I've been deemed under protection by the almighty Klaus."

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