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Standing on the corner of a busy street within the Quarter, Emma's eyes scanned the faces surrounding her, searching for a specific one. And it wasn't long before she finally spotted the blonde walking towards her at a leisurely pace. "You're late." She grumbled out once Rebekah was near enough to hear her. Although, she could have said it at any point, really.

"Tyler Lockwood won't talk to the vampires freely if we're there from the start." Rebekah pointed out in a knowing tone, and Emma had to admit, she did agree in this instance. "But a late entrance..."

"Makes a better point." Emma concluded on her own. Sure, a part of her suspected it was also because of the ever-present need to be dramatic that seemed to be ingrained in the Mikaelson's DNA, but she didn't much mind it on this occasion. "Let's go then." She said openly, pulling a stone from her pocket as she turned to look at the door of the vampire bar by which she'd been waiting.

With a nod of her head, Rebekah pulled it open, starting to walk inside and leaving Emma to follow after her. However, before she stepped through and into the dark space, Emma muttered out a spell, her body fading from view as she turned invisible and followed after the vampire, quickly starting to hear the familiar sound of Tyler's voice as he preached to the vampires surrounding him. "And I helped the rest of them too. Then Klaus killed them for their betrayal."

He didn't get to continue on with his spiel for much longer as he noticed the newcomer walking into the room, hanging back on the edges of the vampire group as she stared him down. Unlike her, Emma moved around them, using her invisibility to go unnoticed as she moved to stand behind Tyler, all the while ignoring the way Marcel's eyes lingered on the door, waiting for her appearance as well. Clearly, he'd expected her to be on their side this time around.

"Because that is what Klaus does." Rebekah spoke up, breaking the silence of the bar as Tyler fixed her with a suspicious look. "Don't mind me, I'm fascinated by this story. Hello, Tyler."

"Rebekah. Long time no see." His voice was apprehensive as he began to rise from his chair.

"What Tyler was about to tell you is that my brother can use his baby's blood to sire more hybrids." Rebekah announced, and while Emma was all for getting rid of the Lockwood she wasn't sure how much she agreed with the way the blonde original seemed to be going about it. It certainly would have been better to get rid of him while no one was yet aware of that information. "What you will all figure out is that vampires don't stand a chance. So, Tyler, I assume you were trying to rally this lot into making sure the baby isn't born?"

"Yeah. You don't like it? Go on and take your brother's side." Tyler said standing as confidently and as defiantly against her as he could. "But you know I'm right."

"I believe you've mistaken the lady's intentions." Now it was Marcel who spoke up with a pleased smirk on his face, making his own vampires turn to him with confused and curious looks on their own features.

"Alright. What's going on?" Diego questioned.

"You were absolutely right, Tyler. My brother is a crap enough individual as it is." Rebekah announced much to everyone's surprise. "The last thing he needs is to sire a superior species." She said, coming to stand at Marcel's side as she smiled at him. "Go on, you can tell them."

"She's not here to fight us." He announced proudly. "She's here to help us."

"That's right. But first..." Rebekah added on, saying nothing more as she trailed off and instead rushed up to Tyler, using her vampire speed. And while he tried to turn away and run from her approach before she could have reached him, Tyler soon found his attempt at an escape a quite unsuccessful one as he felt a hand reach out from nothingness and grab at his throat, pain beginning to sear through his skin as the person appeared from thin air.

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