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While, after the initial injury to Hayley's neck, everything seemed to be fine, it didn't stay that way for long. Soon after, she started burning up, Emma and Rebekah staying at her side and doing their best to take care of her while Klaus and Elijah were out in the streets of New Orleans, hunting down answers on what exactly was happening.

It was only a few minutes ago that Elijah had called back with some disturbing news. They'd managed to find Sophie and get answers. But they weren't good. Because while nothing was going to happen to the witch herself, she'd been injected with a dark object meant to induce a miscarriage. And until Elijah came, Emma couldn't be sure what exactly to do to resolve the situation yet.

Instead, she sat at the end of the bed in which Hayley was lying while Rebekah blotted sweat from her forehead. The witch herself was mixing some herbs and using magic to create a remedy that would hopefully at least ease Hayley's symptoms. But without ever having held the dark object or even learned of it, it was a harder task than she wished it were.

"Stop fussing, will you? Elijah will be here any minute." Rebekah scolded Hayley, earning herself a somewhat scolding look of her own from Emma. Certainly, the last thing Hayley needed right now was judgement about how she was acting in a situation like this.

"I feel like I've been microwaved." Hayley groaned out, completely ignoring Rebekah as she fidgeted in the bed.

"Hey! Just because you're carrying a baby doesn't mean you get to act like one! I'm sure my little niece is healing you up as we speak." Rebekah reminded, and clearly she was saying it not only for Hayley's sake but also her own, her nerves too starting to show the longer it took Elijah to get back to the house.

"Drink this, it's disgusting, but it'll help as a short-term solution." Emma jumped into their small squabble once she deemed her potion finished, leaning over to hand it to Hayley. The liquid inside the cup was giving off an herbal smell, but as Hayley started to drink it she learned it was quite deceptive. "I know it's not the most pleasant, but it will help, I promise." Emma added as she saw the distaste spread over Hayley's features.

Rebekah starting to stand up from the bed where she'd been sitting next to Hayley caught Emma's attention and made her turn around to see what the blonde was focused on. She quickly realized she hadn't even heard Elijah rush into the room. Nor did she realize he'd brought a guest until she saw the witch standing beside him.

And Rebekah seemed to be just as displeased with Sophie's presence as she. "What the hell is she doing here?" The blonde questioned in disbelief.

"I'm trying to help." Sophie attempted a peaceful approach, hoping that the Mikaelsons would see she had nothing to gain from what was happening right now. If Agnes' plan worked then all of their plans would be ruined once she no longer had leverage over the Mikaelsons.

"Help would be unlinking yourself from Hayley." Emma couldn't help but point out, not trusting Sophie's intentions for a single second. This wasn't about helping Hayley; this was about helping herself.

"You're the reason we're in this bloody mess!" Rebekah bit back at the words instantly after Emma.

"You're gonna throw accusations at me while you let the siphoner sit right there?" Their accusations had Sophie's own patience running out as she looked at the Mikaelsons with an incredulous look in her eyes. "She's more of a danger than I ever could be."

The witch's judgement had Emma's eyes hardening into a glare as she looked back at her. "Remember what I said about siphoning the spell from Hayley being hard? I don't mind if I hurt you." She pointed out. Did it not help her case with Sophie's beliefs about siphoners being evil? No. But she didn't care. If they thought her evil, then that is what she'd be. Especially if it helped protect an innocent person and baby.

"Can you ensure it wouldn't have consequences for Hayley or the baby?" Elijah questioned. He was open to the idea since it would be a rather speedy solution. However, having felt the effect of Emma's siphoning for himself, he didn't want to risk it if any part of the idea was uncertain.

Emma herself suspected that the magic of the spell would run out much sooner than the magic of being a witch which kept Sophie alive. And with only two kinds of magic, it might be easier to latch onto. But she wouldn't claim it was entirely without risk since she herself couldn't know that for sure. And while Hayley could give her feedback on how she was feeling, the baby couldn't.

Her prolonged silence as she thought it all over seemed to be answer enough for Elijah already. "Then we let her to what she can." He announced to everyone in the room before turning to Emma and addressing her specifically. "She understands dark objects better than you do." He pointed out.

Emma did her best to push away the feelings that Elijah's statement stirred within her. She hated the fact that he was right. That Sophie knew more than she did about this particular topic. She and Kol had spoken about coming back to New Orleans to get back all the things he'd helped create. About him teaching her how to make more of them and how to use them. But they never got the chance to do it.

"I may know a way to slow the fever down. But I'm gonna need some special herbs." Sophie announced, not even bothering to check the containers and herbs Emma had set out for her own use before she turned to Rebekah. "I'll text you a list."

"And how am I supposed to know what it all is?" The blonde questioned in an annoyed tone. She knew nothing about magic or herbs or potion making.

"I can come with you, I'll know." Emma suggested easily, but that idea also didn't seem to earn Elijah's approval.

"Emma stays here." He announced. While they all knew Sophie benefitted from staying linked to Hayley and the baby, he didn't fully trust her. It was evident that the injection will do nothing to risk her life. He wanted Emma around to point out any possible issues or problems in what Sophie might do.

"Fine. Happy to play the fetch girl." The displeased look remained plastered on Rebekah's face as she relented, quick steps carrying her towards the door as she sent them all one last patronising smile. However, before she could fully walk out, Emma called her back.

"The Jardin Gris should have everything sorted and labelled already. Call me if you need help." She suggested, knowing leaving Rebekah to scramble around on her own in search of the ingredients might cost them more time than they could afford. With a nod, the blonde soon disappeared in the halls.

"While we wait," Elijah spoke again soon after, eyes turning to look at Sophie with a demanding expression on his face. "You will explain to us what it is you plan on doing exactly."

"You can't be serious?" Sophie questioned, her wide eyes glancing between Elijah and Emma multiple times, obviously disliking the idea of having to speak about witch methods and remedies in front of Emma.

"You will put your uneducated prejudices aside from the time being, is that understood?" The threatening tone of Elijah's voice made it clear that while it sounded like a question, it was sooner a demand than anything else. And Sophie was left with no choice but to comply.

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