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Even though the pair had momentarily parted ways, it wasn't long before Emma and Klaus were back at each other's sides. Keeping a safe distance away, the two followed the procession leading Thierry away and to the Garden for his newly imposed sentance. Marcel walked at the front of the group as they stepped out into the open street. Emma and Klaus remained by the door, observing the vampires as they were met with an obstacle in their path; a chanting witch.

Emma easily understood the words coming from Katie's lips, she knew what the magic would do even before it could be seen. But once it took effect, the vampires around Thierry were brought down to their knees, the powerful magic easily fighting their strength.

The Broussard watched with furrowed brows, multiple questions rising in her mind. Katie couldn't possibly think she could get away with this, by now Davina would be more than aware of the magic she was using. But that wasn't Emma's main worry. She watched as Marcel was one of those brought down, unable to resist the magic Katie was using.

"How exactly is this part of the plan?" She quietly turned to Klaus, eyebrow raised as she failed to grasp his grand plan.

It wasn't hard to gather everything was going as he wanted it to, if the smirk on his face as he watched the scene unfold was anything to go by. However, Emma couldn't understand how a witch kicking Marcel's ass, possibly killing him in the process, benefitted him?

It most certainly didn't benefit her. So when Emma felt additional power spread through the air, a familiar voice echoing around her as it chanted, she didn't say anything. By the look on Klaus' face it was clear he couldn't hear it. And she wasn't about to expose it.

However, even with Emma keeping quiet, the consequences of Davina's interference soon became clear as Marcel rose to his feet. He taunted Katie, smirking in the face of a threat he thought he could now beat with Davina's help.

"Don't worry, little witch, I have everything under control." Klaus reassured her, and yet, Emma watched Katie's power increase, determination stronger than before and refusing to back down.

And Emma couldn't have that. She didn't know what Klaus was planning, but she didn't care. If Marcel died at the hands of a witch everything he's built would crumble or fall to Klaus. Whichever it was, it would put Davina in danger. And Emma wasn't about to let that happen. Meaning she had to intervene.

Especially once she spotted the wooden stake that Katie pulled out once Marcel was back on his knees. Stepping forward and out of their hiding place, Emma lit the stake on fire forcing Katie to drop it moments before her own chanting stopped.

Now the only voice rising with the wind was Emma's, the ancient words cutting off the breath in Katie's lungs. The witch gasped in surprise but before she had a chance to fight back against Emma, or for the latter to release her, Klaus suddenly disappeared from where he'd been standing behind Emma. And then he appeared behind Katie, snapping her neck with one simple motion, cutting off both her spell as well as Emma's.

And then the hybrid's plan became clear. He was taking credit for saving Marcel's life. It wasn't just about getting rid of Thierry. Just getting him locked away would have left Klaus with more grunt work to fully rise to claim his position. It was about replacing him entirely. And by doing this, Klaus was exactly where he wanted to be. Marcel's trust in him fully restored and any sign of trouble wiped away.

And the subtle nod he sent her way when Marcel's back was turned only confirmed that. Klaus Mikaelson got what he wanted, once again.

Marcel wasn't sure how to handle his latest problem

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Marcel wasn't sure how to handle his latest problem. He trusted Klaus. He wanted to return Elijah to him. But Davina's refusal was making it difficult. And if he took too long, Klaus would get suspicious. Klaus and suspicion was a recipe for disaster. Disaster Marcel couldn't afford.

As he walked through the doors of the Abattoir, he was ready to push his worries aside for the night. He'd speak to Davina again in the morning, possibly ask Emma for her help. He had some doubts about her recently, but she too had jumped to his aid tonight. And he knew she was sleeping at the Abattoir after the gala too.

With his next steps running through his mind, thoughts weighing his options, Marcel climbed up the steps of the courtyard but once he stepped into the halls, he was forced to come to a stop as he noticed the person waiting for him there.

"Man, when I said I'd give you Elijah back I didn't realize the deadline was so short." He let out a laugh as he came to join Klaus' side, standing the same way they had earlier in the night when Marcel made his promise.

He remained relaxed, guessing from the way the Mikaelson smiled he wasn't really here to make demands. And he wasn't. Having informed both Hayley and Rebekah about the success of his plans and Elijah's imminent return, Klaus had returned to the Abattoir. There was one more thing to deal with. Perhaps a smaller problem in the grand scheme of things, but something within him still told him it was a problem.

"I am not here to talk about my brother. I trust you'll keep your word on Elijah's return." Klaus reassured Marcel, body turning to look at the vampire, giving him his full attention instead of focusing on the vampires moving around as they cleaned up the remnants of the charity gala.

"Then what brings you back? There is no after party, I'm afraid." Marcel's smile remained on his face, although on the inside he was curious as to what else Klaus would want now. So soon after their last exchange.

"Doctor Vargas. Who is he exactly?" Klaus questioned, determined to get answers. And one of them came in the form of the look on Marcel's face. He clearly couldn't grasp why Klaus would show an interest in him.

"Doc? He's part of the human faction, not really involved with the rules and deals, but he's aware of the communities living in the Quarter. Helps when needed. Useful guy to have around, considering his high position at the hospital." Marcel tried to go for the short explanation, but the inquisitive look remained on Klaus' face. "He's the head of the pulmonary department." Marcel added on, ready to start listing things as he was unsure of what exactly Klaus was looking for.

But then the curiosity on the Mikaelson's face quickly turned into understanding. And that understanding didn't sit well with the hybrid if the glint in his eyes was anything to go by.

"The need for a pulmonary specialist... I'll assume Emma's stopped taking vampire blood?" He questioned bluntly.

Marcel had often wondered how deep Emma's past alliance with the Mikaelsons reached. And now he was getting pretty clear signs. In the months since her return, one thing had quickly become clear. Emma didn't tell just anyone she was sick.

With a sigh, Marcel nodded his head, confirming Klaus suspicions as he spoke again. "Yeah. Doesn't want to risk becoming a vampire." He revealed.

"Then you stuff it down her throat." Klaus grumbled, pushing away from the railing with a shake of his head, looking as if he was about to go to the room down the hall in which she was sleeping by now and do it himself.

The action made Marcel let out an amused chuckle, one that made Klaus pause. "Good luck with that." The statement made Klaus turn back to him.

"You can't possibly be fighting me on this?" Klaus couldn't understand what was it with people and respecting Emma's damned choice. A stupid one at that. It wasn't like she was going to die. Not if he had a say in it.

"I'm not fighting you, but remember this when she's pissed at you." Marcel pointed out. "Because it's not just about not wanting this kind of lifestyle."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Klaus questioned, taking a couple of steps back to rejoin Marcel's side. If he had more information, he could use it to make Emma accept blood again.

"It's like every time it's brought up, she gets this look..." Marcel took a short pause, trying to think of the right words to describe it. "Like just the thought of it happening makes her heart break."

And suddenly, Klaus understood it entirely.


Chapter entirely written on my phone, so excuse any possible mistakes. I'll fix them as soon as I'm back with my laptop.

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