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Emma had enjoyed her few hours of peace. No Mikaelsons, no Marcel, no war-is-a-brewing issues to keep her occupied. But, of course, she knew it wouldn't be something that could last too long. And yet, when a knock sounded on her door, she couldn't help but give out a small sigh of annoyance. She'd at least hoped it would last a little while longer.

"What now?" She muttered out to herself as she pushed off of her couch and walked over to the door. Although, when she pulled it open, she couldn't hold back the surprise from spreading over her face at the last person she'd expected to find standing on the other side. "I thought you said you were leaving?" She questioned as she came face to face with Rebekah once again.

"And let my brother run around unchecked?" Rebekah deadpanned and Emma couldn't help but agree. If there was anything to keep a Mikaelson around even when they claimed to be leaving, it would be Klaus' idiocy.

"Well, if you're so intent on keeping an eye on Klaus, why are you here?" Still, she didn't let her understanding show too much, her tone instead still sour as she looked at the blonde. "God knows he's not."

"No, but he's what I'm here to talk about." Rebekah's answer was vague, not saying anything else despite the questioning look on Emma's face. And it didn't take the Broussard long to figure out what she was trying to imply with her silence.

"You can talk here Rebekah." She said, having no intentions of inviting the vampire inside. During all her time back in New Orleans she'd managed to make it so that Marcel was the only vampire allowed in her safe space. Emma was hoping to keep it that way for as long as she could.

"He told me what you said. About who's side your on." Rebekah explained with a small sigh, clearly growing impatient with Emma's resistance. "It's about protecting that side." She added on, still as vague as before but the choice of word made it clear why she was so insistent.

And it made Emma give out a sigh too, knowing she was right. That was not a conversation which they could have out in the open where anyone might hear them. "Come in." She relented finally, silently promising herself to start looking up ways to uninvite a vampire that wouldn't have to involve death. But until then, she had to focus on more pertinent issues. Which was why she made sure to mutter out a small spell once the door closed behind the blonde.

"How did you-" Rebekah questioned in a surprised tone, knowing she hadn't seen Emma siphon anything before performing the spell.

"I live in this damned city. You think I don't have a source of magic on me at all times?" Emma sent the woman a pointed look, watching as Rebekah's expression morphed into understanding, not even surprised by the information after giving it some thought. Compulsion and wolf venom weren't the most powerful sources to store away in her stones, but they were unconnected to the harvest and therefore especially useful. "I put up a silencing charm; no one can hear what we say in here. So, what is it that I need to know?"

"It was Tyler Lockwood who kidnapped Hayley and took her to the Bayou." Rebekah proclaimed, making Emma pause for a short second before a scoff emitted from her lips.

"I told Klaus letting that idiot go was a stupid decision. If only he listened to someone other than himself." She muttered out with a shake of her head. "And his feelings for Caroline Forbes." She added, eyes rolling in annoyance.

"This is about more than Tyler Lockwood." Rebekah continued on quickly after, not wanting the witch to get too suck on that detail for now. "It would appear that the baby, it's blood, is the key to making more hybrids. Klaus can remake his whole army again."

The shock was back on Emma's face as she listened to Rebekah deliver her accusations. "And you think Klaus knew that?" She asked the first proper question she could think of as her mind tried to process the rest of the information.

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