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Werewolf hybrid pregnancies... Emma had to admit, she'd read a lot of books on the supernatural lately, but man, that was a new one. She was still trying to comprehend how it was possible. After all, somehow, she doubted this was Klaus' first time sleeping with someone who could get pregnant. But she didn't poke at that too much. Nature and magic could do weird things when they wanted to.

"So, in conclusion. Sophie linked herself to Hayley so you would take care of all the witches' problems for them." Emma instead focused on the latter part of the story which was told to her by the Mikaelson siblings and Hayley now that she was back in the fold.

"That's the gist of it." Hayley's annoyance with the situation was a hard thing to hide. And Emma couldn't really blame her for it. She'd hate being linked to an idiotic witch too.

"And now you explain to us why we need her, brother?" Klaus looked at Elijah with an expectant look on his face. For an evil mastermind, he really was having a hard time catching up and seeing all the possible perks of Emma being there.

So, she decided she'd point them out for him. "Need I remind you I've already helped you before without even knowing what your plan is?" She looked at the hybrid with a bored look in her eyes. "Tell me, how's life without Thierry?"

"I could ask you the same thing." Klaus leaned forward in his seat, staring her down suspiciously. "Because that wasn't helping me, was it? Thierry was talking too much for your own liking."

Emma couldn't help but smirk at the accusation. One she certainly wouldn't deny. Her days of making herself seem weaker than she was for the sake of safety were long past her. "Shutting him up was certainly a perk."

"Talking? About what?" Hayley questioned curiously. She knew someone had been helping Klaus and Rebekah during the charity event and their plan with Marcel's right hand man, but neither of the Mikaelsons ever told her who it was. She thought it was just another vampire Klaus had compelled.

"Oh, Thierry and his girl had a lot of opinions on siphoners." Emma brushed it off with ease, leaning back in her chair and swishing the bourbon around in her glass. "Psychotic, murderous, selfish, incapable of caring about anyone or controlling ourselves, all we want is magic and we'll kill anyone to get it." The dramatic flare which accompanied the sarcastic tone didn't go unnoticed by anyone in the room. Just like the careful look Hayley sent to Elijah after hearing it all.

Elijah who was entirely unbothered by it. "And the reality?" He prompted. As far as first impressions went, listing off all the evil stereotypes about siphoners wasn't really the way to make a good one on Hayley.

"I do siphon magic. I can control myself when I do." Emma started to explain, sending a reassuring smile towards Hayley as she spoke. At least until she was interrupted.

"Memory serves otherwise."

"I was dying, thank you very much." Emma glared at Klaus. Hayley could only watch the two in surprise, unsure of whether it was because Emma so easily spoke of nearly dying or because she had never before seen Klaus with this kind of restraint around someone he seemingly didn't trust. However, she had no chance to comment on it before Emma continued.

"Psychotic? Maybe a little, but only if you provoke me. But here come the best parts." The smirk on Emma's face really did fit among the many Hayley had seen pass between the Mikaelsons during their plotting sessions. "Unconnected to the harvest, meaning as long as it's not the city's magic I siphon and use, Davina can't sense me doing magic."

It was clear that the benefits of having Emma around and on their side were becoming evident to the younger two Mikaelson siblings. While Klaus continued to regard her with suspicion nonetheless, Rebekah's face started to show that she was rather happy with the turn. Not only because it was good for them because of her magic, but also because it gave Rebekah some hope. Hope that perhaps with time she could get their friendship back again.

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