Chapter 18: Endrik Rebane (Part II.)

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[This chapter is from Endrik's point of view]

Aiden: What's that?
(He questioned as I was washing the dishes)

N: What's what?

Aiden: On your neck.. is that a rash?
(He asked, concerned.
I caressed my neck as memories came flooding back.
Nathan's teeth dancing against my neck..
Nathan's hips rocking against mine..
It was only a few hours ago, so the feelings were still fresh. I could still feel every inch of him..
I looked up in the mirror above the sink only to realize how prominent the hickey was)

Do you need medicine?
(He approached me, wanting to inspect the mark)

N: I'm fine- It's totally okay. I might have just itched there too hard.
(I up my collar, don't want him to realize it's a hickey)

Aiden: Be careful, okay?
(He said genuinely)
Is that guy still bothering you?

(I shook my head.
I had told Aiden about Sebastien as well.
But I didn't tell him about today,
Since he was pretty angry when he heard about it and didn't want me to contact him ever again which was fair)

Good, or I would beat him up.
No one bothers my N.
(He said with a smile as my heart fluttered)

Nathan: I'll clean the counter and the trash Aiden.

(He said as he came out of the bathroom while patting his head with a towel, no matter how cold or hot it gets, Nathan has to take his nightly routined shower.)

It's my turn anyway.
(Aiden loudly yawned)

Aiden: Good, Since I'm getting really sleepy.
Goodnight you two.
(He gave me a quick warm hug which ended too soon and went into the bedroom. Closing the door behind him..
Nathan scooted next to me, preparing to wipe the counter)

Nathan: What was the chatter about?

N: He noticed the hickey..
(He looked down at my neck only to be shocked by how visible it was. Since I'm fairly pale, I get red really quickly. His eyes darted down in embarrassment.)

Nathan: Sorry, I should not have bit you that hard.. and.. long.

N: I don't mind.. I enjoyed it.
(He chuckled.
I was done doing the dishes, so I washed my hands and wiped them dry)

Nathan: You should go, I'll come after I clean things.

N: I can stay..

Nathan: I don't think.. we'll be able to control ourselves for that long..
(I chuckled as I looked down)

N: You're right..

Nathan: Goodnight..
(With one last look I turned my back and went into the bedroom.
Aiden seemed like he was already fast asleep.
I laid down on my bed.)
(For the.. I've stopped counting at this point. I checked my phone again to see it wasn't even three am.
The only thing I've done so far is twisting against the bedsheet.
I looked at Nathan and Aiden who were peacefully sleeping.
I looked back at the ceiling again.
Mind still filled with what happened today..
I could still feel Nathan and I wanted it again..
I turned away so I would face the wall instead..
My eyes noticed the diary on my nightstand.
Smile crept up on my face as I thought of that doodle.
The smile was soon replaced with confusion..
"Do I still have feelings for both of them..?"
I knew the answer was yes.
I have been living with these feelings for two years now.
I didn't want to fall in love with Nathan or Aiden..
But here I am.
Completely head over heels for both of them.
Having a small crush on a straight person has always been a problem.
But this was so much different..
It was love, like actual love..
And for both of them.
The reason I haven't told them why me and Lukas broke up because, well..
The reason is them..

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